I wanted to give Aidan a gift for being such a good sport during his hospital stay…even when they put him in isolation because they were not sure what was wrong with him (he is much better now, really bad bronchitis and low potassium, confused tests) he took his meds and let the nurses do all their tests without much protest.
I saw how interested he was in the medical equipment (he even pointed out which test came next during observations) and thought it would be a nice idea to get him a Dr kit.
The thing is every nice kit I found was pink and glittery, I wanted something neutral so, out came the craft supplies:
The first step was to buy a small kit (this was only non-pink one) and stick a label on a nice sized lunch box, I covered a small notebook with the same label.
Then I made a blood pressure monitor
- Cut felt into a strip.
- Sew a ribbon to the center of the felt.
- Glue velcro to the ends (one facing in, one facing out).Then cover a bottle with a picture of a blood pressure monitor you googled and printed.
- Then cover in contact plastic
- Lastly, glue ribbon into the lid of the bottle…
Then I made plasters
- I would have preferred to have more tan coloured felt and less grey but worked with what I had.
- I cut the felt into the shape of plasters and positioned small blocks of tan felt in the center
- I sewed the centerpiece into place
- and lastly, glued on velcro so it would stick to itself
how to use the plasters |
Since the kit I bought was pretty basic I added a spoon, tissues, tongue depressors and smarties for pills, hehe
I also made lollies by sticking circles of felt to Popsicle sticks
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