From baby bag to beauty bag – five multitaskers

I feel that it’s safe to say most of us are way more organised when it comes to shopping for baby than we are when it comes to shopping for ourselves, chances are you will run out of make-up remover way before you run out of baby wipes (Is that just me? hmmm)

So I compiled a list of products you can grab from the baby bag when you are in a pinch and I hope that you will indulge me by adding your own favourites to the comment section 🙂

Sudocrem is my preferred bum cream, I’ve been lucky that Aidan has had only one incident
of nappy rash in his little life and this stuff nipped it in the bud, Sudocrem is awesome and it works for mommy too; bites, irritations, anything…I’m a huge fan

Ran out of shaving gel? quick, grab the Elizabeth Anne’s special shampoo, it works great
and leaves your skin feeling nice and moisturised
It’s said to be great for stretch marks as well  although I never tried it

This is my friend Funtangly, say hello to the people Funtangly…
I have such tangly hair when it’s straightened, my hair is like NO! WE WILL NOT CONFORM!!!
Then I’m like HERE have some of Aidan’s Funtangly and be detangled!!! and it works
 I swear by the stuff

This isn’t technically a baby product, It’s coconut oil , but I use it on Aidan’s dry skin and hair, it’s kind of a everything product in my house; cooking, skin, hair EVERY BODY NOW!!!! coconut oil for president!!!

You know how you are not supposed to sleep with make-up on?
You know that yesterday’s eyeliner doesn’t count as smokey eye just because you slept in it?
Dabbing this on a cotton ball removes eye make-up which is AWESOME 🙂

What is your favourite multitasking product?

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