Going Somewhere Slowly… #ECMeetup perhaps

So I’m super hyped about the #ECMeetup.

I don’t know if it’s the gifts and goodibag items that have been arriving, that today is the cut off for tickets, or what exactly but I am soooooooooooooo excited!

Part of my #ECMeetup excitement comes from the fact that Anje Rautenbach, yes THE Anje from the wildly popular Going Somewhere Slowly and Vroetel Voete has agreed to be a speaker at the event.


Even if you haven’t read either of her blogs before the name might sound familiar because you have seen her insightful, often hilarious articles on different news sites.

Anje is a Bay based travel writer (I use based lightly, because her instagram will have you believe she that she is some sort of modern gypsy) who has been globetrotting, writing, discovering and capturing the world as a solo female traveller since 2009. She is passionate about responsible travel, animal rights in tourism and discovering the nooks and crannies of small towns and big cities in slow motion

She will be sharing about her blog and touching on how to make images part of the blogger’s content creation process and brand. Check out her instagram account and you will see that she is definitely qualified to do this.

The coffee loving and oh so witty blogger is excited to chat to us and BONUS!!! At the #ECMeetup you can finally see the face behind all the peekaboo pics


Colours of You SA will also be sharing their picture wisdom with us , do check out Luchae’s Blog to read more about that.


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