I have to do a very brave thing something that is going to take lots of will power and love… I’m going to have to have to let go of the decor reigns and have Rob take over decorating the tv-room.
This might seem silly and rather easy to do ,but when it comes to decor I am a bit of a bossy control freak, but after Rob pointed out that we need more male influence in the place if he is going to live in a house where the main living area has a “glamour theme” I decided to step back. Anyway now he is doing the tv-room…
It’s not that I don’t trust his judgement (even if he thinks I look good in a bikini-which I don’t) it’s just that up to a month ago he just could not care less what I did with decor and as long as their were no doilies or flower prints he was good to go. Now he wants a say, this is almost as annoying as when he reminded me that he was part of the wedding too…. ai Men,hehehe
(Meanwhile: the lounge is one coat of paint away from new-then I’ll post pics: Yes it occurs to me before pictures would have been a good idea, No I did’nt take any, Yes I’m dof)
Any way truth be told after hearing what he has planned for tv-room, I’m quite excited….. this is the inspiration behind the room, lets see how it goes 🙂
Please post pics of your glamour room!!
That would be the lounge, I will post pics as soon as we (read Rob) finishes painting 🙂