How to get your kids to brush their teeth… (win with Pure Beginnings)

So you are here for tips to get your kids to brush their teeth… Well I’m no expert, my sons healthy teeth are largely due to him not eating enough for cavity forming bacteria to accumulate.

get your kids to brush their teeth

But jokes aside, I have managed to get my kid to brush his teeth and I do so like to share tips and tricks.

How to get your kids to brush their teeth?

– start early

It is recommended that you start cleaning your baby’s mouth from 4 weeks old, you can use a special finger brush or simply rub your baby’s gums with a warm, clean facecloth. Some people might try to convince you to use glycerin, but turns out this is just an old wives tale and is actually really bad for them so smile nicely at your aunt and then don’t do it.

– Loosen the reigns

I know little kids take forever to finish basic tasks and this can eat at your very soul. But leave them to it, let them get comfortable with the idea of brushing their own teeth… Invest in toothpastes like the Pure Beginnings that is fluoride free and safe to swallow because letting them do it themselves will mean a lot of toothbrush licking.

– Follow the leader

Leading by example is probably the most basic way to get your kids to brush their teeth. Kids really want to do what you do, so why not make dental care a family activity. Aidan and his dad do the brushing of hair and teeth together and it’s really helped form a habit for him.

– reward charts

Sticker charts work for so many things from potty training to changing bad habits (here’s a sticker for not biting your nails today). Why not give them a sticker every time they brush their teeth, it gives them a sense of accomplishment to see their sticker books fill up, well I’ve seen it work for friends anyway.

– scare tactics

This is an unorthodox way to get your kids to brush their teeth so you might snatch your pearls a little. When Aidy went through a stage of not wanting to brush his teeth I googled pictures of kids with cavities and showed him, this soon got him back on track because he did not want to loose his teeth like they did. But like I said, it’s not for everyone.

So that’s my very basic tips, Aidan has his own ideas to get your kids to brush their teeth so do check out his little video (as always it is unscripted)

We have started using pure beginnings toothpaste and love it. The adult toothpaste cleans well but is not overpowering in flavor. Honestly the first one or two times I used it I missed the super minty taste but now I quite like it, and it doesn’t make everything I eat after brushing my teeth taste horrible.

Aidan is a big fan of the kids toothpaste with its mild flavor and creamy texture. I feel great knowing that the toothpaste has no fluoride and is made with organic ingredients I can trust… You guys know what low key hippies we are around these parts.

But don’t take my word for it, enter our giveaway and win your own family hamper to try it out for yourself.

25 thoughts on “How to get your kids to brush their teeth… (win with Pure Beginnings)

  1. Kelly Jennings says:

    From the start we made it fun. The tip with some kids is to make it a game and sit them in front of the mirror and see who can do it the best. Pull funny faces while you do. I think if you start it from the beginning it’s easier to carry on. We used to clean both my childrens gums as well from before the teeth came so they were used to it. Getting a good set of oral health products also makes a huge difference

  2. Lauren Hewitt says:

    Like you it’s become a dad and aidan routine thing, I will admitt to ususing a scare tactic too, I told him bugs would get in his teeth if he didn’t brush . But letting them choose their new toothbrush, tooth paste can be an incentive too.

  3. Lynn Botha says:

    My kids have still have to be nagged daily to brush their teeth.. we take turns in using Barbie / spiderman.. but they are not keen on the taste. It would be really nice have a great tasting one.. I do use the threats of they’re going to get rotten teeth and the toothfairy doesn;’t collect bad teeth lol

  4. Omphile Raleie says:

    I’m already beginning to use a cloth for our four months old twins. Their older brother is also into making brushing fun, I also once showed him a pic of a child with bad teeth when I suspected he wasn’t brushing properly.

  5. Tharishia Ebrahim says:

    Make the routine of brushing your teeth fun.. I brush my teeth together with my little boy, and we compare who’s teeth are sparkling more. I tell him that when my sister (his aunt) video calls, she’s going to tell him that his teeth are sparkling, since he likes to impress her.

  6. Jenine Wyngaard says:

    Currently Zain has a love-hate relationship with brushing his teeth. Some days his all for brushing and I have run after him to return the toothbrush his chewing. Other days I have to hold him down to be able to do a few brush strokes *facepalm*

  7. Neelofah says:

    Singing as always – my daughter is big on songs /rhymes so we literally make up a song on the spot everyday LOL. I also emphasize to her the importance of brushing your tongue so she kind of does it in a routine – 1st brush in circles all over then up in the hard to reach places with a quick sweep over it and finally the tongue.

  8. Michelle says:

    My baby boy, Milan is almost 10 months. We started brushing his teeth since 6 months, didn’t have any teeth yet tho. But the speech therapist recommended that, because Milan was also a prem, we start brushing his tongue for stimulation and it helps babies to start forming words. We started with Pure Beginnings 0-3 years Berry toothpaste. Milan loves it! I also believe starting early makes them more comfortable and they will learn the importance of brushing their teeth.

  9. Nabila says:

    My tip is to keep brushing fun. My kids and I sing songs for each other. For example, while i brush my 2 year olds teeth, hubby and i sing “brush your teeth do do do do do do”. They really enjoy brushing that way.

  10. Nthabiseng says:

    Using a colourful toothbrush helped my daughter and also using flavoured toothpaste ,now she loves brushing her teeth 2 times a day.

  11. Zoe Hawkins says:

    love this!

    They actually did a practice tooth brushing game at school that made Harley super excited and understand what she was doing more. fake teeth and a toy toothbrush getting rid of fake food – dunno how the school came up with it, but it was really cute.

    Also, she’s gotten a few toothbrushes from school and dentist, so now she gets to pick which toothbrush and tooth paste she wants to use each day. Makes me a little bit crazy, but at least it gives her a sense of agency around doing something every day.

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