Laughing my butt off…I WISH!

Like 99% of women out there I’m not all that happy with my size. I’ve been trying to eat better and exercise, but my health hasn’t been up to it (Anemia and blood pressure issues) I’ve been sooo exhausted it’s just not funny. Believe me if tying your shoe leaves you feeling like you ran a 5k then you clearly have no use for exercise… I have pretty bad iron deficiency anemia, last tests revealed that my iron stores (I know that’s not the medical name, I don’t know medical name) were completely depleted, which meant no oxygen in my blood and me passing out way more than I’d like to admit. Well, I’ve been on meds for a while now and things are looking up, which means I can finally get off my behind and do some exercises. I’m still taking it easy (still get exhausted super easily) but any exercise is better than no exercise and I have high hopes of wearing shorts in December so wish me luck…. Here are some funnies to get me motivated.

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