Mommy Moment; What I learn’t

It is Mommy Moment Monday, like last week , remember…

This week’s question is

1. How has becoming a mom changed your life?

Eleanor and Aidan

You know all about me already… 

Being a mom changed my life: There are the annoying things like, I can never just leave the house and everything is a mission now, my place is a mess, I’m always trying to balance a thousand things and I don’t fit into my sexy little numbers anymore…but it also taught me about loving so much it hurts, about appreciating the little things and about being willing to be a little silly.

Cindy and Imogen 

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I call her my princess, she calls me Mamma, Mommy, or Mu-um depending on her mood. Imogen is 5-years old and in Grade R. I am a single Mom, trying to climb the corporate ladder while my daughter keeps my feet firmly on the ground –  staying humble and grateful for being a Mom.

Being a mom changed my lifeCompletely. I lived a much more selfish life before, but having a child really evolves a person on all levels. It is a massive responsibility to be a parent but also rewarding. Once you have managed to get through the tough times, you get to be a child again yourself – to see and experience life through your child’s adventures and innocence.

Luchae, Kyle and Karis

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Luchae blogs over at myspreadsheetbrain she has two kids with a 12 year age gap so says she feels like she is doing it all from scratch.

Being a mom changed my lifeYou learn to consider your actions and the things you say more carefully. Suddenly, YOU aren’t the most important thing in your life anymore. I’m always thinking “but how can I use this to help my kids grow to become amazing adults?”

Zandile and Qawe

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Zandile is the mother of a rather precocious  4-year old

Being a mom changed my lifeMotherhood has changed my life in so many wonderful and not-so-wonderful ways, but the former far outweighs the latter. There are a lot of things I cannot simply do at the drop of a hat anymore because there is someone else to think about first. But I love this role because never have I loved as much as I do this little person who truly personifies God’s love for me.

Yolande and Sam

Displaying Us.jpgSam is an active and very loving little boy born on July 31, 2012 and his mommy is a freelance writer who works from home and who is still trying to figure out how to juggle being a semi-stay-at-home-mom and a working-mom at the same time.  

Being a mom changed my lifeBeing a mother had definitely changed my life, especially as the journey to actually have my precious boy was riddled with difficulty. I know now the true meaning of joy and unconditional love. I am also so much more confident.

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