The truth about me…so turns out I’m greedy , not referring to my need to spontaneously consume anything chocolate within a 5metre radius, no this is more a “lifestyle greed” Firstly don’t get me wrong my husband, son, friends and family make me ridiculously (I could probably sell this life for a pretty penny on auction) happy. But sometimes when I’m going through the “society pages” I miss being part of THAT, I miss the guest lists, the trips for work and VIP treatment. Sometimes I want to trade running after a baby for running in heels. I want to interview people with exciting lives and be on the front line to see the latest fashions and try out the latest treatment or gadget.
Then I look at Aidan with his need to dance to anything rhythmic (this includes construction next door) and I want to just cuddle with him for hours and blow bubbles under our tree and go on long drives with him and Rob. I want to craft/create in the lounge while I listen to my boys fight over dominance over the remote control or Rob complain that Aidan has switched off his laptop AGAIN!
I love that I have that and that I can do that, but then there is a part of me that wants to dress up, hobnob and mingle . . .
Just so there is no misunderstanding, I love my job, I like the design and organizational aspect of it. I like seeing a project through to the end and I like being challenged like this, also, I knew what I was getting myself into when I gave up my previous position…
I wanted stability and a family and I have that now.
I guess sometimes I just want it all, I love what I have now and the state of things but . . . I’m only human and a goody bag every now and again wouldn’t hurt, hehehe.