My favourite five baby products

what this little person used

Aidan is two and a half years old he will actually be exactly that on Monday.

This means he is not a baby anymore, no matter how hard it is for me to accept this!
Recently I’ve had a few people ask me about products that worked for him in the baby stage and I swear I’m like uhmmmmmmmmmmmm didn’t he just come here this age? I forget everything…
I decided to sit down and remember the products I really loved from the baby stage, so I could have an answer for the “what worked for you questions” 🙂 so here goes: 
Disclaimer, every child is different and every parent has different views, these are just my opinions 🙂 what I put in italics is from the manufacturers but this is not  a sponsored post.

Telament drops 

 The mommy group I belong to swear by this stuff and so do I. When my nephew was born and struggled with painful winds I was very eager to suggest this stuff. My doctor recommended it for my “crying all hours of the night because of winds” baby and I remember after the first dose I was like *ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*. As with everything do not go over the recommended allowance, I have been told that can cause tummy problems, cant remember if it’s diarrhea or constipation, either way, READ THE LEAFLET

Tommie Tippie Stage One Teether 

 ” The Stage 1 Easy Reach Teether is the first of 3 stages of teethers designed to soothe your baby through every teething stage. The triple-action design includes massaging surfaces, surfaces to bite on and a special channel for teething gel.”
This was a real lifesaver!!! put teething gel on and he chews away merrily, it saved us a lot of heartache. Funny thing is (Aidan who started teething early and practically had ALL his teeth by his first birthday, refused to go back to a dummy/pacifier after we introduced this at around 3 months – granted he was never biggest fan of the dummy, but after this it was a no go). Also it made him look like a tiny rugby player.

  Sudocrem bum cream

 I’ve mentioned my love for this stuff before in my baby bag to beauty bag post but it would be wrong to not list it here. This cream is great, honestly clears up rashes in a jiffy and is great for the whole family to use

 Pure Squish Baby Food 

Although I made most of Aidan’s baby food using my 6 steps to fool proof baby food I loved these for on the go times, No artificial additives and no mess. I bought the spoon attachment and it worked great. Aidan loved these and I regularly packed it into his lunch (well the toddler version) until recently but went off them when he decided “he was not a baby anymore”.

 Karvol Cradle Cap Cream

 Aidan had a case of cradle cap as a baby and this really helped, a skin condition sometimes seen in babies caused by excessive production of sebum, characterized by areas of yellowish or brownish scales on the top of the head. His was pretty bad so what I actually ended up doing as “his treatment” was to mix coconut oil and baby oil, and slather his head in it, leaving it on for over 30 minutes, I then just used a baby comb to comb his hair and the gross scales came off (don’t freak out if some hair comes out, it’s normal). After that I just kept using the karvol cradle cap cream and we never had problems again

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