So this morning someone said something to me which hurt my feelings, I don’t think she was trying to be mean, she was making conversation and the context was a little hurtful.
This made me think of times I’ve said things that hurt people and I just didn’t mean it like that.
I have this memory of years ago at fashion week in Brazil when a Canadian fashion editor asked me if I had kids and I said no, but I’d like to start early because I would hate to be a old mom.
Turns out she was in her 40s and had her first child recently, so my comment was stupid and immature (hey I young and stupid).
I kinda gossiped about the editor of a Japanese magazine because I thought her dress sense was fake and she was just trying to get into magazines, but turns out she just liked being different.
I was a bitch, but in a weird way, like I just said stuff without thinking, said things to fill the silence …. that phase of my life haunts me. Recently I was even looking for the lady from Canada’s name so I could apologise.
I’m haunted by things I’ve said to people, and have sent messages “you know I didn’t mean it in a bad way” more than once.
I just don’t want to hurt people’s feelings because that whole sticks and stones thing is quite a lie.
Words can hurt…So these days I try to be careful of what I say and try to remind myself that saying to someone, “are you okay you look tired” could be taken as “you look awful how could you leave the house like that”
Have a great weekend and remember that staying quiet if you have nothing good to say is actually pretty good advice