So I have decided to become a Wahm (Work at home mom)
What brought this on? Well I think I might have hit my head HARD or am in the middle of some existential crisis? hmmmm maybe I have completely lost it but there is a freedom in losing it….
I think it’s more that I have had a lot of loss in my life over a short period of time and am more acutely aware of it being now or never….
After ten years of a permanent 9 (Who am I kidding, 7) to 5 or to 6, 7, 8 I have decided to make things even more difficult for myself and work from home (because trying to make a living with a kid attached to my leg is clearly first prize) – I kid, I’m so excited!!!
I don’t want to jinx things but will say my new position, to be announced from the comfort of my home office (knock on wood) will involve online teaching, freelance writing and a small business I have been dreaming of for years (also I’m studying again)…
The thing is nothing ventured nothing gained, I might be crazy, but I have the support of my husband and parents and believe nothing teaches you to fly quite like being pushed out of the nest.