Gimme Naturals Curl Cure Review…the good, the bad, the meh

This past week I tried out Gimme Naturals Curl Cure Food. I was nervous NOT GONNA LIE because I really like the creator of the product, Michelle from Stylish Steppers and wasn’t sure what I’d do if it sucked? I mean she’s the only stylist that has been able to deal with this bush IN YEARS, so if I didn’t like the product (and you guys know I’d be honest in the review regardless) I’d have to find a new stylist and a new friend (because I would legit just avoid her) and I’m too lazy for that…Reminds me of the time my friend Nadine wrote a book and I read it saying please don’t suck please don’t suck…it didn’t suck see here.

Anyway I used it for a wash and go on Monday (the curl cure not the book) and added nothing else for the week…these are my opinions…

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