Taming the tantrum…

If I had to compare Aidan to a mythical creature I’d think pixie with all that curly hair or even vampire with that pale skin but NO, now that he is 2 he is a werewolf!
A scream at the top of his lungs,tantrum throwing annoywolf! actually
It only seems to happen when he is tired, he gets this nag in his voice, a limpness to his body and a overall rudeness to his demeanour… and it doesn’t matter where you are, if he gets tired while laying down he will still over react, it’s crazy
At some point I actually tapped him on the head yesterday (not my finest mommy moment) but it was pure frustration I tell you, Rob and I had spent a good part of the night taking him out of the restaurant to calm down. The manager even went to show him how they make ice-cream which he loved and for a brief moment we recognised our well mannered cute little kid with his pleases and thank yous, but then I made the huge mistake of  not letting him feed me the bubblegum ice-cream with a fork and he started performing –  An arms flailing,head shaking, scream performance … 
and then the waiter put more menus down (for people we were waiting for) and that’s when the monkey  threw the menu on the floor…and bad mom came out and tapped his head, I honest to goodness flicked it (in lieu of throwing him down like a wwf fighter)  I felt so bad! he didn’t flinch, eventually I took him out to calm down AGAIN…
On the way home I asked him if I could “talk to him” that has become my post tantrum phrase, and he replied , No No talking mommy,  Which I take to mean he knows his behaviour was wrong…
I should have seen it coming…
At park before supper he went from this cute little “let’s all play together kid” to a South African politician telling an adorable little girl (of blonde haired blue eyed European decent) to “Just go away baba go away”
It’s getting bad this tired activated annoyance, it’s getting to the point where Rob and I look at each other the moment we realise tiredness is about to set in… Oh no the annoywolf is coming out!…
He does it while falling asleep too, screaming if he doesn’t get his way; you know if I’m being horrible and not letting him watch dvds the whole night or eat his socks (yes really) or stick his toes in my mouth or nose (I’m horrible he is practically abused)…
He did his banshie scream again last night and like the level headed adult I am I screamed too… It took the wind out of his sails and he started talking to me like a human being (hardly a long term solution though)… 
He is a sweet heart again this morning, but as the moon comes over the horizon I find myself gripped in fear…  the gremlins are coming the gremlins are coming!!!
How do you guys handle the tiresome tiredness?

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