Someone on twitter mentioned Rascals this morning and I was instantly taken back to my younger days where my mom would buy a string of little packets for each of us (siblings) and we could take a packet to school everyday and I’d eat all of mine in one sitting and have no treat to take to school, but I didn’t mind because stuffing all those chewy fruity sweets into my mouth (back when I was a negative clothes size) was soooo worth it and I could always buy my sister’s from her (she always preferred money over snacks, prob why she is still a negative clothes size and always has money).
A friend @nogsteedslana tweeted back to say it tasted like sunnypark’s parkinglot,hahahaha-she makes me laugh that one-any way it made me think of other treats I loved as a kid and can’t find these days…. I don’t remember names much so help me out
— there was this chocolate similiar to twix think it was called 777 anyone remember that? I feel like I might have been dreaming it,lol
— I used to love those juices that had the straw coming out of bottom of plastic bottle and straw had little cap, don’t think the juice was all that nice, but I love novelties 🙂
— That yogurt where the topping came in its own little compartment and you folded it over and mixed, yum
— Ooh those Pep chocolate bars that were square and in green packet with a minty filling – I used to live on those at tech, yummy!
— Those orange chocolates that looked like a orange chocolate cut into little slices – used to steal slices from my aunt 🙂