The beginning

So like about a million people out there, I have decided to start a blog. I’m not sure why, I think this could be one of three things;

1. I have way too much to say and not enough people to listen to me – This is likely, I have been known to talk a lot and I have been running out of friends and family to bore (thank goodness for twitter).

2. Maybe I figure spending my whole day in front of the computer at work and attached to my blackberry the rest of the time was not enough so I wanted to squeeze more tech time into my day.

3. Maybe I’m super conceited and think people give a damn about what I have to say and what pictures I took and so on and so forth – maybe hey

Who knows, all I know is I’m here now and I have a platform to write what I want when I want and at the very least it should keep me out of trouble…as if my stir-fry in front of the TV, 3 books a month, diy loving ass really gets into trouble. (Well not much)

5 thoughts on “The beginning

  1. Ma-aasha says:

    I'm gonna check what yo ass has to say most def! about time… i wana see some really cool pics coz i know u rock a cam like its a superstyling accessory… well even bb pix will do! Mo Firefly signing out!

  2. Zayne says:

    I agree with Ma-aasha – a good pic goes a long way when used in a blog.

    NB: At the top of your current blog layout, the white flowers are obscuring the sub heading text. You might want to have a look at that. Just saying!

    Have a look at my south african tech blog

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