Things I NEED, okay want…

I was thinking about how life changes, how your needs and wants change and how we are never satisfied, from what I can remember this is what I wanted over the years:

Image result for tire swing

When I was a kid

1. A endless supply of teen literature (yes as a primary school kid)
2. Hair that didn’t need a whole day “wash day”
3. My little cousins to stop following me around
4. Late night TV watching privileges
5. A chemistry set

Image result for teen phone

When I was a teen

1. My first kiss (literally 16 never been kissed over here)
2. To gain weight so clothes actually fit
3. To undo my bad hair cut
4. Invites to the cool parties
5. A cooler cellphone (bratty I know)

When I was a student

1. More hours in the day
2. No curfew
3. Higher paying part time job
4. To pass without going to class
5. More cute clothes

As a newbie adult

1. Shoes
2. Better bad guy radar
3. More hours in the day
4. More money
5. A hairstyle that was stress free



– A recurring thing seems to be the need of more time and manageable hair, what is something you always seem to want?

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