Tips for tots in hospital

I don’t give “parenting advice” , I don’t give advice on anything really. Opinions? Yes, (hehe) advice? No and parenting ESPECIALLY, no.

My son routinely lays down randomly ,often under things, and I suspect people would be reluctant to take advice from the mom trying to coax a toddler from under a display cabinet with a fruit stick and promises of extra teeth brushing time, (he loves it) and rightfully so… We are all just learning as we go along (except certain moms on mommy forums who know everything; their kids came with a manual I’m sure)

This being said, we are currently in hospital,  Aidy was admitted early on Saturday for observation due to chest problems and the fact that he had grown increasingly lethargic (you guys know how he gives me a run for my money so lethargic is certainly not good)

Here are a list of things I’m learning from my first trip to hospital with him (not counting his birth and stay there afterwards)
* when you think you have enough sets of pjs…pack another; bodily fluids and hospitals are a notorious pairing I have come to find
* take activities/toys along… I’m lucky, in that I like making busy bags so was able to grab a bag of quiet toys and go – if you’re not much of a “maker” keeping store bought puzzles,crayons and play dough in a bag is a good idea for quick visits to restaurant, relatives or (hopefully not needed) the hospital
* bring something familiar from tots room…for Aidan that’s his “banky” a chocolate brown faux fur blanket he has claimed as his own and which has taken the place of something you’d expect to be baby blue and covered in airplanes
* mom/dad if you are staying over be ready to fend for yourself;  to bring your own food and blankets and find a visitor friendly bathroom…In most hospitals you will be lucky to get a cup of tea and a chair
* try not to be offended if nurses seem cold…If they are rude (like a certain radiographer who was trying for the most unhelpful award on Saturday) then I believe you can be upset, but if they’re just a little cold try to remember they are overworked and although your angel is definitely YOUR first priority they have quite a few patients to deal with, often needing more assistance than you do (Goodness help me, I’m still working on this one, I’m not a fan of people talking down to me or being cold/rough towards my kid…put them together and let’s just say I’ve done a lot of “calm breathing”)
* be prepared for acting out…Aidan threw crayons and an apple on the floor, he also cried because he is in a blue bed and wanted a red one. Every now and again I notice him resist the urge to hit me, he ends up just squeezing my face or arm really tight or pushing me… being in hospital is overwhelming, be understanding and maybe leave the naughty corner for home
* be ready to explain things…why can’t I go home?, why can’t I watch my favourite shows?, why is the kid next door still scream crying after 5 hours? (The last question might be from me)
* remember chances are they will hurt your baby…drips, tests and needles are not fun and will bring on tears, and not just for the parents
* know what you are entitled to, and don’t be afraid to ask
* be polite a please and thank you go a long way

– pictures feature my big brave boy and his leapfrog teddy, Scout, which I transformed with a few scraps of material into a superhero because Aidan loves super heroes and refers to himself as super Aidy…He was so cute when he saw Scout telling me how strong they were and removing the mask and putting it back on chanting Scout….Super Scout…Scout…Super Scout

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