Trading Woe for Whoa!

Okay so try to stay with me here because I might not be making 100% sense but here goes, so my friend Sal over at this blog had a status up yesterday “Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction . Break the habit. Talk about your joys”
 It got me thinking…I actually believe talking about our problems is very healing because sometimes you just need to vent and also you don’t know who is either going through a similar thing or could even help you in your situation. But Sal is VERY RIGHT we just don’t speak about our joys enough, we just don’t ,we can be such negative Nancys (no offence to anyone named Nancy, hehe).
This in turn got me thinking about how “woe is me” I’ve been lately, my weight has just been such a source of unhappiness and at my job I have had to deal with a lot of confrontation (part of my job, yes – part of my personality, no), then there is our finances and pending dental work which is likely to break both bank and spirit (really hoping braces are not my only option) – I’ve just been really down on myself and I am determined to stop that nonsense.
– I need to remember: If God is for me who can be against me, I am extremely blessed and it is time I start living like that again.
So what if the weight loss thing is taking longer than I’d hoped, I’m still losing and every little bit helps (another 1.5kg at yesterdays weigh in,  go me)
So what if I can’t afford all the things I’d like, I’m still blessed to have more than many and with careful planning I can even share
So what if I haven’t slept in ages, I do it for  a wonderful little boy who is teething and for him I’d give up all the sleep in the world (and I think I have, hehe)
So what if work has been stressful, this is what I do , not what I am J
-My friend, Robyn’s, 14-month-old son Blake has a tendency to say Whoa for things A LOT! Not “woe is me” WHOA! As in WOW DID YOU SEE THAT! He does it when something happens in his favorite cartoon, when he sees animals, when anything excites him , whoa to anything really, and I think that’s a good philosophy, it wouldn’t hurt to see the special things in every day and to grab opportunities to make you happy….
Like yesterday when I needed to do something in Kirkwood, and Robin decided that it would be a waste to just go back home, “why not go on a game drive at Addo Elephant National Park” (which Rob recons should be renamed Addo Buck park because that is all you really see) and for once I didn’t shoot him down and explain.. 1. We don’t have money for such frivolities  2. We are spending a weekend on a game farm at the end of November so technically this is redundant 3. In this heat I’d rather sit under my favourite tree at home.
Instead I said sure lets go and we ended up having a blast even though Aidan could literally not care less about where we were.
We got to spend time together as a family and although my heart broke when I realised I didn’t have my camera with me, I just took in the wonder of God’s creation and thought about how lucky we are to live in a part of the world where you can go on a game drive on a whim
GOD IS GOOD! HAVE A BLESSED MID WEEK! And remember to see the WHOA! In your day

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