I’m almost 27, I’m married and have a kid on the way, but really I’m just a big baby 🙂 my family (mom, dad, sibling, aunts, uncles and so forth…) left for a beach holiday this morning and as I said a groggy goodbye I couldn’t help but feel jealous and completely left out. It’s crazy really as I’m going up to see them for Christmas weekend, but I cant shake the feeling that it is JUST not the same, Rob and I will rock up with our own everything and actually just be neighbours to them for the trip (weird how things like not sharing the family sized sun block and shampoo can make you feel like an outsider). It’s to be expected, I’m starting my own family now and even though I will always be part of the Douglas clan, I took on the Meyers name and that means, sharing holiday’s between two families, and even though I’ll always be my daddy’s little girl, truth is I’m NOT a little girl anymore.
I think it all has to do with me having to be a grown-up, having grown-up responsibilities (I can’t join them today because I’m still at work and have a bunch of, why oh why did I decide to be an adult type things to do) Being a grown-up sucks, your washing doesn’t do itself and the fridge doesn’t magically stock itself, bleugh.
Funny thing is that when my parents invited us to the beach for Christmas (they go every second year) I was dead set against it. Swollen feet, and sensitive preggy skin are not beach friendly and neither am I (not being able to body board and drink wine by fire side also suck), but now I’m actually excited, I get to build sand castles with my nieces, get my teen cousins opinion on teen novel I’m attempting and just not be at work for a bit.
This morning as my brother teased me that I was gonna miss him, I told him to get over himself and as my sister coughed up a lung (she has a cold/or flu/or the plague – and I felt bad for her even though her teenage angst and my pregnant hormones have been clashing all over the place lately) I thought he was prob right, I do miss them, I miss helping to get them ready for school, I miss dragging them to Sunday school, I miss them annoying me with their constant questions and needing me to show them this, or help them with that. Truth is at 23 and 17, they really don’t need me that much these days, but that’s ok, I needed to make space for the someone who will be arriving soon and will prob need me 24/7 anyway, this just means I need to get used to my new role in the family, I’m out of the house, but not out of the family… but first things first I need to get the last day of work over with…..beach here I come (almost, here I almost come)
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my mom and dad |
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thea and tay napping in a giant plastic shark, as ppl do |
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Taylor and her mom, omw! tay is still a baby here |
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my bro |
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my cousin, Desthea |
![](http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/20480_242651131699_621161699_3808154_412684_n.jpg) |
the husband |
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my sister |
![](http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/20480_242561031699_621161699_3807981_7081826_n.jpg) |
To think I used to think my thighs were big then, hahaha, I had no idea |