When all you can do is pray

My world needs a hug, you know how everyone has “their world” like everyone is in a different “sitcom” which dictates how they view the world like on Friends, Joey was one of the click and on the show Joey he was the main guy? am I making any sense?
When I say my world, I mean ppl I care for, those I see/speak to/interact with most. “My loved ones” Well these people, the ones that mean most to me in the world, so many of them are in pain and it breaks my heart.
Death, separation, unemployment,abuse,depression,financial problems,illness it’s like the bad news fairy dumped a whole lot of fairy dust in our direction and it’s not the badaboom, “your pumpkin is a car, go off and dance with a Prince” kind of dust,its badaboom “your hopes and dreams have been shattered kind of dust”.
My dad was saying the other day I’m worse than the evening news, I never have “great news” anymore, there is no, So and So is so happy, so and so is getting married or doing so great . . . (there are obviously things like that, a few couples I know are engaged, others have just become parents, there is good but bad has a tendency to overshadow that)
My faith has never been tested quite like this, I’m sure most people will agree it really sucks when there is nothing you can do for those you love, there’s no magic pill to cure heartache there are no words than can comfort real despair. There’s nothing I can do, except be there for them and give the prayers of my heart over to the Lord, sometimes it’s just so hard to remember, “He’s got this” God is in control, we just need to trust him. . .

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