Am I the only one who keeps forgetting National days? I’m not even talking about national milk tart day or international lipstick week.
I mean I forget everything after Valentine’s day (Which I don’t particularly celebrate). I thought I might not be the only one with this problem, so I decided to share a list of National days for you to pencil in – and give you some gift ideas because I rock
National days to remember
These days often come with the expectation of gifts, so best to be forewarned
21 April – Easter Sunday
Despite it being a religious holiday, Easter has become synonymous with chocolate. One of my favorite gifts around this time of the year are Easter treat boxes
12 May – Mother’s day
One gift I totally suggest is for mom’s who have lost a child, I suggest, you watch your mouth. Seriously Don’t say dumb things to grieving moms. This comes from someone who hated her first mother’s day. Other ideas include gifts in jars.
16 June – Father’s day
Rob’s first father’s day was extremely emotional. Aidan has made subsequent Father’s days much more pleasant and thanks to these three ingredient recipes, he can whip something up for daddy practically solo.
9 August – Women’s day
Women’s day isn’t a day that makes me think of gifts in particular, maybe the gift of adhering to The girl code. Alternatively I made these gifts inspired by Oh So Heavenly, and gave it to women who inspire me.
1 September – Spring day
Do you give gifts on Spring day? If you want to send anything this way, antihistamines would probably be best. All three of us get really sneezy around this time of year. If you want to give a Spring gift, these might do the trick.
4 September – Secretary’s day
I’m my own secretary But if I was not, I’d probably go with some time off and a game night gift for him/her to spend time with their family.
8 September – Grandparent’s day
A good gift for ouma/oupa is convenience. So something like Daily Dish suppers, or prepacked lunchbox could be awesome.
5 October – Teacher’s day
Teachers like the coach I recently spoke about, really deserve something special these are some gift ideas I found online
16 October – Bosses day
If you are Your own boss or if you have a boss you really click with, a document sleeve like this could make a killer gift.
31 October – Halloween
Halloween is a time for treats like these chocolate and sherry ghosts
4-10 November – Domestic Worker’s Week
Doing all the house work solo recently made me appreciate all the help I can get and I think a spoil like this set – perfect for commuting – from Typo would be perfect
25 December – Christmas day
Well this one goes without saying but I do have some Christmas gift ideas for you