10 things I learnt this week…

– cottage cheese mixed with apple and sprinkled with cinnamon rocks as a snack
– my son can be a little jerk, he gets “angry tired” these days, throws toys, tries to hit you, tired
– Aidan is extremely busy and can mess up a clean home in no time flat , a friend dubbed him Tornaidan
– He is never a jerk at other peoples’ houses ‘(thank goodness) so I look like a loony toon who doesn’t appreciate her good mannered son, he will go as far as wiping up his own spills
– He can “talk now” he knows quite a few words and can say little sentences too…some sweet like, “Momma hair pretty” some cute, “daddy bring keys. go shop” others annoying “mama go away, go away I bath”
– I’m an “at least once a week someone needs to come help me with my house work” kind of girl, our cleaning lady has been gone for a month, my sanity is slowly joining her. Working a full looong day and then coming home to clean, spend time with Aidan, make the lunches, jaaaa I’m not one of THOSE moms I know many moms are, I’m just not
– I’m a chronic over thinker, and will put myself in an institution if I don’t learn to RELAX
– An institution didn’t sound so bad a couple times this week…being back on the field after three years of desk work has me quite exhausted thank you very much
– My sister is turning 21 this week so I’m officially old…if anyone you used to bath and dress and so on and so forth “comes  of age” you are officially old,lol

– I need a routine, who knew, here I thought I was a free spirit, but you take routine out of my life and I’m grabbing at the air looking for something solid to lean on…

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