2 year development- NAILED IT! sorta, kinda

His first birthday…where did time go?

Aidan turns two on Sunday and I thought I’d check out those development charts, don’t worry anti-competition moms, I don’t intend to berate him for not matching the criteria, or trade him in…
I was just curious πŸ™‚
The list comes from HERE

β€’ Can make a tower of four bricks 
He can build up to 12, how do you I know this? I might have counted, I was impressed okay! sheesh – he also proceeds to throw the blocks on the floor if his tower breaks, good times πŸ™‚ “It boken mommy, it boken now” tears …..
 β€’ Can make two- or three-word sentences
Does Mommy, it’s boken now count? he says lots of things though that sounds like polite orders, “milkies now please”, “put a butter on”, “change my bum bum please”
 β€’ Can walk down stairs
Yes much to my horror, up and down
 β€’ Can name a simple picture in a book
yes pretty well, well sometimes he calls every animal either a cow or a cat, oh look at the kitty (giraffe) I dunno, he calls anything that cuts like a pair of scissors, a knife, pliers, “cut scissors”
“I want a cut scissors please”… uhm no
 β€’ Can sing simple tunes
sorta, he is great with tunes but bad with lyrics, here a cow there a cow everywhere a cow cow
β€’ Talks about self (likes, dislikes)
Uhm not technically, he does say, “no not that one”, “no not that channel”, “I don’t a eat mummy”
β€’ Can use 50 single words
Not so sure hey I haven’t counted, he talks non stop like his mom though so should be about 50
β€’ Takes more of an interest in playing with other children
He is still a bit (a lot) of a loner but tells me about the babas at school so we are getting there, he is great with one on one play dates though
β€’ Asks”Why”?
He says why as in the letter though, he gets his number and letters all mixed up and will run through the house like, 1 2 3 6 9 y m

 β€’ Can name at least six body part on a doll
Jip including calling a dog’s tail a penis, regardless of what his mom says or how embarrassing pointing out penises in toy stores are
β€’ Starts talking about self
It’s already Ahhdin this and Ahhdin that
β€’ Begins to understand abstract concepts like sooner and later
As a true South African this is, Now mummy not Now Now
β€’ Half of speech is understandable
Well sort of sometimes he speaks with amazing clarity and other times “Ba naana mama na”
β€’  Can arrange things in categories
I don’t know hey, I’ve never asked him to do this, how would I ask him to do this
β€’  Becomes attuned to gender differences
Sorta but not really, can say boy and girl but don’t know if it means anything to him
β€’ Can walk down stairs
Much to my dismay, “no help mummy”
β€’ Learns to jump
Been doing this forever, not sure this one should be here

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