What a long road we have traveled…

So this weekend Aidan went to Logan’s grave for the first time.
No I don’t have some freaky “morbid need” for them to “play together” we just like to check that things are still okay and this time we took Aidy with…he was super comfy there and it tugged at my heartstrings seeing him put his hand by the etched hand of his brother..
We don’t take flowers to Logan’s grave-prefer to leave a little toy,replacing it when it gets destroyed/stolen- and funny thing is, Aidy didn’t even try to play with the toy plane which was placed to mark 2years…instead he just played with the gravel…
Technically we were at the cemetery for my aunt though…it was unveiling of her gravestone and standing there reminded me of how she was diagnosed with cancer around about the time I found out I was pregnant and how she tried to hold on to meet Aidan. That was not meant to be though and Aidan was born the eve of her funeral……Life can be so dramatic sometimes.
She’s out of pain now though, and for that I am glad(although I miss her deeply) and I knw she is with us in spirit as this coming weekend we celebrate Aidan’s first birthday.
Aidan celebrating his first birthday fills my heart with soooo much Joy! Who knew a broken heart could love this hard…


Happy “belated” Monday

Soooo it is 2 weeks till Aidy is ONE which means it’s party planning time 🙂 I’m also starting (yes I keep saying this and you could probably start a drinking game based on how often I say this on here) to exercise more and eat less… I like Monday’s always feels like a fresh start…so have a great day all 🙂 enjoy your fresh start…


Aidan is 11 Months old

I honestly full out can not believe Aidan will be a year old next month…I’m full swing into preparing for his first birthday – Barn Yard Theme- but even as I phone suppliers I find myself thinking that something is very wrong here, there is no way our little baby is full steam on his way to “toddlerdom”

But yes time flies and we just need to hold on and enjoy the ride


APPEARANCE:  don’t know his exact measurements but he is certainly taller, skinnier and has even more hair

PERSONALITY:  He is certainly coming into his own, he mimics you and will give you a kiss and a cuddle but will also make his displeasure with things known! He loves “showing off” but also does very well just playing on his own, he can be naughty, defying me when I reprimand him but he also listens to NO! (even if he will sulk) he is just becoming such a sweet little thing, chatting away and playing like such a “big kid”


HE CAN NOW: stand unassisted, but no sign of walking, he sings and dances A LOT and can kiss you on the cheek on request, he can also show your where his mouth and tummy is and clap hands on request, he also blows kisses and “helps” me pack up toys (more hindrance than help but he loves it)

LOVES: the outdoors and exploring. Also can’t get enough of books and can play with blocks for ages.  â€“ Same as before

DISLIKES: EATING!!!! I don’t understand how this kid can go on so little fuel

MOM:  Wishes there was something like an eating coach

Hooray for Uitenhage Market

The weekend was pretty uneventful, paying bills, food shopping, you know all the fine print of adulthood…

On Sunday however we were in for a treat as it was time for the monthly Uitenhage Market, it was only the second market and already you can see the potential for great success…It reminds me of the Art in the Park’s they used to have on the last Sunday of every month at Willow Dam in Uitenhage. I remember my parents and Gran used to take us, bring a picnic blanket and eats ( my gran was not big on market food) we each got a little spending money (mine was usually spent on candy floss) then we would walk around and play in the park….So it is so great to see Uitenhage getting behind a project that is likely to end up as great memories, especially for the kids.

Another great thing about the market is what is on offer, goodbye mass produced trinkets (you know the kind you find at every market and festival) and hello handmade jewelry and food and fresh produce, you can get everything from feather hair extensions to artisan cheese. They also have a line up of entertainment and activities, it’s all pretty cool and Aidan really loved the petting zoo, NOT a fan of turkeys though . . .

(Have a good week all)
I’m definitely going back next month and who knows I might even have a stall there one of these days 

My lil 10 month old

Can’t believe we are here already!!! Aidan has grown so beautifully and is such a little blessing

APPEARANCE:  He is a 10kgs, 75cm curly haired cherub.

PERSONALITY: Aidan is still crazy busy. He is friendly and loves to explore. He is also pretty sneaky, like if you catch him putting something he shouldn’t have in his mouth he will look at you with innocent eyes and pass it to you like it was his plan all along. He is turning out to be such a picky eater, every day is a fight to get him to eat anything other than yogurt and otees.

HE CAN NOW: Crawls everywhere, can climb up stairs even. Still only walks against furniture. Aidan can pack and unpack-he tends to focus on unpack though.

LOVES: the outdoors and exploring. Also can’t get enough of books and can play with blocks for ages.

DISLIKES: Eating and sleeping – the two things I thought came standard with babies

MOM:  planning his first birthday already 🙂

Happy Monday peeps

I’ve been super emo and introspective lately…Like what is it I want from my life and so forth and so on. . .
Eish this happens every now and again…the curse of the creative I think, OVERTHINKER DELUX!!!
Went to the park with my lil family to clear my head, it helped a bit, sometimes you just need to chill…