How to make chocolate covered coffee beans

So Mastertons gave us our own #ECMeetup blend for the meet-up and I love them even more now. Everyone got two samples, the roasted beans and the machine blend (I know for someone who loves coffee I should be a little more clued up on terms) anyway I don’t have a machine for the beans and decided to turn them into chocolate covered treats for when I need a treat (I always need a treat, I’m puppy-like in my treat neediness).



People often ask me where I find the time for these things…I find it where you find the time to ask me nonsense (hahahaha, joking not joking) but you make time for what you like to do, for me it’s making things for others it’s watching series or actually venturing out of the house, hehe.

If you are not into diy’ing you can actually buy Masterton’s chocolate covered coffee beans on their website here…

But anyway here is how I made my yummy treats



Albany dark chocolate (better for my diabetic state I’m told)

Roasted coffee beans




I broke up the chocolate into a microwave safe bowl

I then melted it (one minute, stir, one minute)

I tossed the bag (50g) of beans in the chocolate (used to be a slab but someone in this house stole two blocks when I was not looking) and gave it a stir


I then did this two ways… i took the beans out one by one to have a pretty finish and I also just tossed it into a greased plate and pressed it down into one layer…the finish product isn’t as pretty but  it tastes the same and saves you so much time


Let it harden and then scrape it off the plate (this is where I realised wax paper would have been a good idea)





3 thoughts on “How to make chocolate covered coffee beans

  1. Venean Bosch says:

    Love the “Where do u find time” comment, especially after I said “When I find time” in our chat this morning lol #facepalm #tryingthis

  2. Rebecca says:

    I’m super obsessed with those Masterton’s chocolate covered beans. I can literally go through a bag in 3 days #noshame #sorrynotsorry

    So bleak I missed the meetup, but it looked like such a good time!

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