Crazy things “Big school” has me thinking

Aidan is going to Big school and I’m likely to go to the Big house, wait big house is prison right, I’m off to a place of padded cells more likely. See Aidan starts Grade R next year with a Number 2 haircut and a uniform and the thought is making me have thoughts.

I told you guys how Spas make me think weird things right, well turns out “Big School” info booklets have much the same effect.

Here are some things suddenly occupying my mind…

  1. What is he going to eat

Aidan mostly takes cheese and crackers to school (yes like every day is a random romantic picnic) and some fruit rolls/sticks/squares. He also likes breakfast cookies. But these are likely to count as treats, according to the info booklet, so I better teach him to eat good old fashioned sarmies and FAST. My child is going to starve all because I could not be bothered to force him after the last time he said, “Sandwiches are gross mom and the only nice bread is toasted bread”.

2. He is going to look awful in the prescribed haircut

They want me to get rid of all his curls! noooooooooooooooooo say it ain’t so (okay now I’m singing Blink 182, “Say it ain’t so, I will not go, Turn the lights off, carry me home, Na, na, na, na ” but I digress) also no hair products. Is this an army? I can’t just cut off all his hair, I don’t think he has the bone structure to carry it off, quite frankly.

3. There are so many ways to break the rules, FLIP

I am by nature a rule follower, but Aidan, this Aidan here who got 5 out of 5 for everything on his little report card, but got a 2 for listening to authority. He questions every single thing and the likelihood of him getting into trouble for his cheeky mouth is, uhm, likely.

4. Am I going to be the hot mess mom?

Aidan’s current school is very relaxed. Very airy-fairy, like we are, and no one has outright looked at me weird for not looking “put together” at drop off (and pick up sometimes). They have even turned a blind eye at me rushing back in the morning because he forgot his lunch or message book or money for something. Now I’m going to need to be a functioning adult in a world of functioning adults. Flip! I was never ready.

5. What if his teacher hates me

As a general rule, I assume everyone hates me until they physically say otherwise. Not everyone “gets me” and that’s okay but not for my son’s teacher, she needs to like me, I need to not colour her opinion of my son based on my eccentricities. “Oh, that’s Aidan, lovely boy, pity about his crazy mom”. – to that end, no one shows this to her, okay! thanks 🙂

6. What if he sucks at school

Aidan is a smart kid (yes I’m biased, I also think he is ridiculously adorable, sue me) but he does not test well. He gets bored quickly and although he can be hyper-focused it’s only on things he gives a damn about. Unlike his mother, he is not a giver of damns. I’m the Oprah of giving damns, he, I reckon is a reincarnation of Clark Gable in Gone with the Wind because “Frankly my dear….” So if they ask him a question and he doesn’t feel like answering, he might just not answer and then he will get bad grades and end up smoking behind the school with the other juvenile delinquents….candy cigarettes, but still…then before you know it he highjacked someone’s four-wheeler and then what? huh huh?

7. What if he hates it

Okay disclaimer, Aidan does not like school much now either. But it’s familiar and they know him and they love him. They get that he is an empath vegetarian who hates when people raise their voice at him. They get that he is a loner who does not need to be forced to socialise, because he gets there in his own time. They are also aware that he struggles with iron deficiency anemia (other kids get their mother’s eyes this one went for the deficiencies) and it makes him extremely lethargic at times. What if the new school (which I am actually very glad we got in at, as it is known as one of the best and I have seen the amazing things they have done with my niece.) is not that tolerant and expect him to suck it up buttercup.

8. My baby is not my baby anymore

This is what everything really comes down to. The moment he puts on the school uniform he is practically filing for emancipation and then what? Okay, that’s a teeny little bit dramatic. But really it’s the start of a new life, of homework (do grade R’s do homework? what homework would they have, even) and extramural activities. It’s a world where he can be bullied or where his quirks which I hold dear might not be so cute anymore. It scares me so much Big school, for who? for what.

—- Okay so I was being a little dramatic about my Big school feelings especially as I am very glad he was even accepted, but I’m really just a mom worrying about separation anxiety (mine not his) and I really just want to do right by him…Anyone go through something similar when their kid left them behind like last weeks McDonald toy and headed off to “Big School”?

4 thoughts on “Crazy things “Big school” has me thinking

  1. Melissa Javan (@melissa_nel) says:

    This list makes me a little tearful. He’s going to big school, wow!
    get rid of all his curls, no man, shame.
    My kid is in creche and I feel like the Hot Mess Mom, because I don’t like combing hair. It’s a mission with her.
    Anyway, good luck.

  2. Andrea Thomas says:

    I loved reading this! Full of humour to express your fears! Thank you for sharing! It’s going to be just A-O-K! I remember when Mackenzie started her formal schooling in Grade 00 3 years ago! I remember thinking and feeling alot of your fears! “Who will help her with her lunch?! Who will take her to the bathroom?! How much of her food will she eat?! Will her uniform survive changing at aftercare!” The questions were never ending! For the first 2 weeks she came home every day at 12h30 completely exhausted! She fell asleep the minute she got in the car! The mental focus of “big school” was real and so tiring! After those first few weeks she got the hang of the work load and was all good to go! On the first day she was like “Mum why are you still here?! Please leave!” She always had a love for school and people and adjusted so well! The other tiring part was the constant play date set-up’s and hundreds of birthday parties! In Grade R I became very selective as to whose party she went too! That has been a lifesaver! Not too many parties to attend (some crazy people have week day parties!). Her first year was a learning curve more for me than her! They adjust so quickly and easily! I can’t wait for Isabelle to join! I’m going to be “right hop out of the car! I’ll see you at Aftercare” on her first day! No early fetching for number 2 or 3 ! #you’vegotthis

  3. Megan Keith says:

    Ah! My Noah is only 3 , but I had some similar fears at the beginning of this year, when he started at his new school. Day 1 I was a wreck, and he didn’t bat an eyelid or even put the toys down when it tried to say goodbye to him. Kids!! Don’t they understand the needs of a fiercely protective Mama Bear? I’ll be thinking of you as we get closer to the new school year starting. You can get through it! Megan xx

  4. Megan Keith says:

    Ah! My Noah is only 3 , but I had some similar fears at the beginning of this year, when he started at his new school. Day 1 I was a wreck, and he didn’t bat an eyelid or even put the toys down when it tried to say goodbye to him. Kids!! Don’t they understand the needs of a fiercely protective Mama Bear? I’ll be thinking of you as we get closer to the new school year starting. You can get through it! Megan xx

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