Doctor Schoctor

Feel free to call me crazy, but nothing makes me feel quite as sick as going to the doctor.
It fills me with so much dread I often think the doctor I should be visiting would have me on a couch explaining "how that makes me feel".
But seriously I have weirdest thoughts while waiting at doctors offices. After chatting to receptionist who would clearly rather be doing anything, anything at all expect speak to me (why are they always so rude!) I find myself in waiting room mentally muttering to myself… (Hey score!!! A nice receptionist she must have failed the bitch test)

-ok gotta mentally list what's wrong with me or I'll end up with no answer to the "so what can I do for you today/what seems to be the problem" question. Crap now I can't remember, why am I here anyway? Everyone else looks like they are dying, now I'm either going to end up looking like a hypocondriac or I'll take one of the other patients illnesses with me, good 1! come in with flu leave with TB.
I hate being here wish the husband wouldn't get tired of nagging and drag me here. I don't like waiting much and the magazines are older than my baby sister. If I bring my own mags I always get looked at like I'm hogging then stealing the good 1s. Yes I over think things damn waiting room gives me to much damn time to think! Where was I oh making list of ailments, damn can't remember. Last thing I need is to make a miraculous recovery when my name is about to be called (not that I don't want to get better, just would prefer it happened at home watching tv not while doctor looks at me wanting answers to his probing questions). In the past ailments have included falling off the same horse three times into a cactus and falling down stairs with spoon in my mouth and hurting jaw, getting into scuffle with muggers and dislocating my shoulder, a locked jaw, ears that wouldn't stop ringing, a broken toe from kicking the pillow, this doctor must think I'm such a drama queen, bleugh it's my turn and luckily all the anxiety has made me look rather sick, good start…
PS. Just walked in and new dr was actually at my school, awkward much

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