Get your Geek on this Christmas

It’s a Geeky Christmas you all!!!

When Tersia and Leon Muston started Geek World South Africa earlier this year they were pleasantly surprised by the support. The Geek force is strong in Port Elizabeth it seems.

Not sure why I am surprised, at both Deathpool and Star Wars movie screenings, I was one of the only people not in costume. The Bay also has a hugely successful Con.ect  (a yearly convention which brings together aficionados and lovers of geek and popular culture) every year.

Anyway, Geek World has these awesome slightly different Christmas gift options , they have everything from costumes to comic books, figurines and custom items, and their prices range from… I’ll take two to  ,uhm let me save a little first.

The biggest geek I know and love, the husband, tells me their figurines are really good quality as he can tell by the weight and something something…I don’t know but he was impressed.

I’m more into the custom items, you can have phrases and quotes and pictures printed on almost anything!

Sooooo that’s what I did…I got the phrase “I’m so Crafty, I sweat glitter” printed on a mug…sponsored by Geek World…and it is going in to the Christmas Box!!! YOU LOVE ME don’t you….

So go ahead and enter my ongoing Christmas competition… I am going to have to upgrade to a bigger box so do ENTER ENTER!


If you enjoy my posts, why not vote for me 🙂 in the SA BLOG AWARDS I would simply die if I was considered in the Craft blogger category so consider voting for me…I’m shameless hey!

Some of the awesome Gifting options at geek world do check it out! HERE


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