Like so totally styling it

Like I mentioned yesterday, we are staying over in PE “the city” for next three days because we have all these events to attend and are too cheap to keep riding in and are lucky enough to have friends willing to put up with us ๐Ÿ™‚
With the help of my friend Robyn we have decided to turn it into a styling three days in honour of my “Most stylish media person nomination” (got hair did and nails done 2 – nails are Opi, you don’ know Jacques – love Opi’s names)
We started last night at The Herald Spec-Savers Miss Port Elizabeth competition (first time in ages I was just there for the show and not working) here are some pics from last night. (I could not get the pics in the right direction, I’m slightly not all here)

Mo, Sal, me and Rob

Me with Sal and Rob, I’m wearing high waisted black skirt, lumo green shirt, sheer black stockings and heels I could hardly walk in. (yes my smile in this pic makes me look slightly deranged)

Told you I couldn’t walk in those shoes and yes there is that deranged smile again

The friends that are allowing us to stay over, Ryan and Robyn. Ryan is having a Jam Jar and Robyn a Teapot at Primi

Rob and I, wow yesterday was not a good facial expression day for me


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