I’m considering not speaking to my kid anymore
I’m getting such mixed messages from social media/well meaning people and various articles. I thought this might be the best way to not screw him up
Because you know complimenting them to much makes them not strive for better
Not complimenting enough makes them underachieve
You should let them find the answers to things themselves, to promote learning
But since they are just mastering their home language you should help them out
You should not mention their physical appearance as it can breed narcissism
But you must build their self esteem on both physical and intellectual level
You should let them have imagination play and no screen time
but you should guide them with educational games and also make sure they know that they are not the center of the world
You need to be sure that they understand differences in people but you should not say anything that can instill preconceived notions
You need to make sure they have a voice but they need to know that they are children and should be seen not heard.
They need motivation but you should also not put too much emphasis on success
So jip, I just wont speak to him I think that way no matter how he turns out it will not be my fault
– hehehehe just kidding have a great day and remember that the only thing you can do 100% right is to love them
Ek is skoons deurmekaar! lol