At 22 months Aidan’s vocab is picking up nicely, I don’t know whats “normal” for his age, he might be needing to recite sonnets by now, but I’m happy with “Sing, stars sky high,mama” (Twinkle little star) We had a fun little convo yesterday.
I had just changed him and he was sitting of changing table, I wanted to pick him up when…
HIM: No go away
ME: Then what are you to do?
HIM: Get down
ME: How
HIM: I Jump
ME: You wish
He seems to be picking up proper pronunciation now so I thought I’d share some of the words he is still abusing , cause it’s funny
Not to be confused with …
My little 1 is also 22mnths but isn't saying any real words per say. It's all jibberish so I rate I'm a little jealous of how much ypur little 1 is talking.
My little 1 is also 22mnths but isn't saying any real words per say. It's all jibberish so I rate I'm a little jealous of how much ypur little 1 is talking.
It's mostly NO MAMA go away just go away so don't feel too bad, hehehe
– Thanks for comment 🙂
Obviously he is a well versed little model if I look at the camera and phone comments! How very cute
Poor kid has more cameras shoved in his face than the kardashians, he likes to take pics too…caught him with his leap pad telling the tree to "say cheech"
At his age my littlest one called a bottle- bottlow!
That's adorable
Love the way you did your pictures! This is a post to treasure. I think your son is way ahead of mine even though he is older. It took him forever to say "moon" it started out "boo" then "moo" now "moon".
Love the way you did your pictures! This is a post to treasure. I think your son is way ahead of mine even though he is older. It took him forever to say "moon" it started out "boo" then "moo" now "moon".
Hahaha! Hilarious!
Loved this post! Well done Aidy! Such a great idea to keep recording their pronunciations because they change so quickly.