poor friend, broke friend, happy friend

I’ve had a few lets call it “financial disappointments” lately, be it people that don’t pay me for services rendered or contracts that fall through , the last few months have not been “party over her” at all.
I have to say I REALLY DON’T LIKE being the poor friend, you know the one who can never make coffee dates or spa appointments.
The smallest get together has to be scheduled two paychecks in advance and sometimes I have to take on extra work to make it work.
Yesterday I had another disappointment, but I decided to decline the invitation to my own pity party this time around.
My mom told me the other day, you’re broke you’re not poor, that’s a big difference.
And she’s right!
 I don’t have money for what I deem luxuries but my bills are paid and  I can make a plan for other things. I have parents and inlaws that are more than willing to chip in if push really comes to shove and I have a bunch of things other people deem luxuries.
So what if I don’t always have petrol money – we have two cars and with way over 50% of the country not having access to personal vehicles, that is a big blessing.
So what if we don’t have  gourmet food in our cupboards… we never go to bed hungry and that is amazing
So what if we can’t go to the movies at the drop of a hat…we have uncapped Wi-Fi and DSTV , which makes up for that and then some
So what if we can’t go on luxurious trips, we have made our home rather comfortable and that is something I am very thankful for

          I’m very blessed because Aidan is spoilt by friends and family, I help out a local spa so I get to be made pretty every so often and I get paid to do things I love; design and crafting. I’m really fortunate and think it’s time I stop looking at what is outside my basket and start focusing on what is inside : Amazing friends and family, my boys oh and Wi-Fi J

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