– Mondays are like a start over day…I always start new things on a Monday – like today when I finally started a facial cleansing routine, yes I’m 29 and should have done it ages ago, better late than never I say.
– Mondays are when I restart my diets I say restart because Thursday is usually when I give up and tell myself that if I’m going to be fat I should enjoy the journey…insert yummy carby food here
– Mondays are comedy night. Well every night is comedy night on comedy central, Monday is just my favourite.
– Mondays my curls tend to be on their best behaviour (not today though) my hair thinks it’s Thursday and I’m an extra on The Colour Purple-but usually, because I “do” my hair the weekend, Monday’s my hair is usually still cute.
– Mondays are a chance to catch up with friends about what happened the weekend…although the stories have changed over the years, from…. “dude went to the coolest new club ended up finishing a box of wine coolers while watching the sun come up” to “dude I went to the quaintest new restaurant, ended up finishing a entire box of chocolate while watching Friends reruns”
– Mondays I tend to have yummy lunch courtesy of Sunday lunch left overs-not today though, didn’t eat at home so I have bread to toast and am currently eyeing a suspicious mixture on my desk….I get to work stupid early and I made coffee but we were out of sugar… I remembered I had cinnamon sugar and then I thought why not…..uhmmm ja don’t!
HAPPY MONDAY ALL! *Even though we would all secretly like to be in bed right about now*
Loved this post:) I too don't mind Mondays. My hair usually looks its best on a Monday. I hate Wednesdays. Such slump days for me;)