The last time Ruth Abercrombie was on my blog things GOT REAL she spoke about being a young divorcee and all the emotions that go with that in a piece called :When white picket fences fall . But today we are being a little less serious. It’s Friday, It’s Froday and we are talking hair.
Ruth shaved her head about a year ago and never looked back…here is her curly countdown. PS. Ruth is an interviewer’s dream you ask her how she likes to style her hair and walk away knowing she loves succulents and that her preacher father used to be Rastafarian. For more on her check out her blog Ruth Abercrombie
5 Random facts about you/your hair
- I don’t watch TV and lowkey love knitting.
- I shaved my head BALD to raise money for breast cancer awareness.
- I lisp but talk creatively, so very little people actually know this – thus I hate being recorded, so no vids of myself speaking on my Youtube channel…YET!
- I’m dating this really cool guy whose fro was bigger than mine when we first started out (I had 4cm of hair on my head to be exact). He is also deaf, and together with his fam and a friend we co-founded an NPO called “Maya Deaf Foundation”.
- I have this deep desire to dread my hair, and this has nothing to do with my dad once being a Rastafarian.
4 Four products/activities I can’t live without
- Besides love and fresh air, I really can’t live without coffee and Jesus.
- Conditioner… is NB!
- Tangle Teezer
- Coconut Oil – I initially bought it to treat my hair but ended up using it as lotion. It is the glue that holds my body together
3 Tips for curly girls
- Join a group of natural hair enthusiasts online or in real life.
- Don’t try a new style right before you go to an event. I tried flexi rods for the first time a night before a function. I envisioned the end result and I was suppose to look bomb with curls popping but it flopped and I had to revert back to my tried and tested wash-and-go at the last minute.
- Invest in a satin pillow case. You can send me succulents as a thank you gift!
2 Misconceptions
- “Natural hair is very strong so you are welcome to bleach and colour as you want”. Lies, lies, lies! Last December I went blonde (luckily I only did a strand test) and it messed up my curl pattern. Now I’m snipping it as it’s growing out.
- “Natural hair is unprofessional”. I work at an accounting firm and get lots of compliments from our clients.
Your 1 go to style
- Wash and Go!
Great interview. Wow Ruth is an amazing person – going bald for cancer, yoh!! What does a satin pillow case do?