Practically free post wedding gifting ideas

First things first…wedding gifting ideas? What’s that for? Well I’m referring to gifts from the bridal couple to those who helped make their day a success. These gifts are certainly not compulsory but if you can get them for practically free…Why not.

Weddings and other big celebrations often leave you with three things 1. A very grateful heart, 2. A pretty low budget and 3. Left over decor items and craft supplies.

These wedding gifting ideas show you how to use number 3 to bypass 2 and express 1.

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How to make chocolate covered coffee beans

So Mastertons gave us our own #ECMeetup blend for the meet-up and I love them even more now. Everyone got two samples, the roasted beans and the machine blend (I know for someone who loves coffee I should be a little more clued up on terms) anyway I don’t have a machine for the beans and decided to turn them into chocolate covered treats for when I need a treat (I always need a treat, I’m puppy-like in my treat neediness).



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How to make dress-up boxing gloves

So why make dress-up boxing gloves? Well, Aidan is at a “LIKE YOU” stage. He wants to do everything Rob and I do. This includes boxing.
Please be under no illusions that I’m like a boxing person now.

Rob bought me a speed bag and showed me how to use it for stress relief. He himself has a punching bag and now Aidy wants in on the action with his inflatable doll thing that comes back up when you punch it – you know the type.

To make it more realistic I decided to make him some “dress-up boxing gloves” from felt here is how:

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