The good thing about being Eleanor

Having suffered from depression and anxiety for most of my adult life, “say nice things about yourself” is not a game I’m comfortable playing…but let’s try shall we.

This year has been tough. I’ve found myself on the outside looking in numerous times…in friendships, business and family. I’ve felt betrayed , I’ve felt unwanted and like a failure so often that I actually can’t pin point a time this year that I’ve felt successful…. This is where this post comes from…

Neither my weight or my finances are where Id like it to be and I have been so stressed lately that being Eleanor has been a bit of a pain…what? I’m nothing if not honest.

With all the negativity in my life I realised the great thing about being me is who I surround myself with.

For every tear I’ve shed this year I’ve had someone ready to dry my eyes and tell me to #suckitupbuttercup you’ve got this. For every time I felt like a failure I’ve had someone to remind me of my successes. Every time I have attempted a project I’ve heard the words “you can do this” and more often than not “how can I help”.

I helped CHOC (organisation that helps children with cancer) host a Christmas party for their kids this year. When they asked for my assistance I was going through a bad patch, feeling depressed, strained and pretty much disposable and useless…what could I even add to this event? But cancer is close to my heart so I said yes and posted a quick “can anyone help” message on facebook.i was inundated with people wanting to help. I felt like Santa with so many elves lending me a hand. The party was a huge success.

What I realised with this was that I might not have all my ducks in a row. Actually most of my ducks are not ducks but what I do have is an amazing support system.

People who don’t get me but support me none the less. My husband and son are constant pillars of strength and I can get someone to help me with just about anything with aquick call (message more likely) It has also occured to me that this year has been amazing; I’m now brand ambassador for both Ootrey and Stylish Steppers. I’ve planned successful events such as our big #ecmeetup and the mini one, I did the #kfcherald fair, helped with Lorrelle from Scarlett Rae’s women’s empowerment event and also pulled off a birthday party for Aidan with a bunch of local suppliers.

With my blog I was runner up in the 2016 SA Blog awards craft section and I have worked on campaigns with amazing brands and ran a Christmas competition featuring all my favorite things like some sort of oprah wannabe.

My writing career saw me write up supplements, rewrite websites and submit a weekly column for the local paper.

None of this would have been possible if I didn’t have the support of so many amazing friends.

I have very little time to hang out with my friends and I am eternally grateful that although I can be a sucky friend because I’m I’m always working and can’t hang out as much as I’d like, they understand and have my back none the less…

Being surrounded by amazing people is what makesĀ  being Eleanor great…and I appreciate it so much.

As the year draws to an end….What do you appreciate the mostĀ 

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