I’m not big on cleaning, no we do not live in absolute squalor, I clean, I just don’t list it on my top favourite things like some of my friends do, seriously I know people who clean to RELAX!
We on the other hand employ someone to clean twice a week and I like to make as little mess in between those visits as humanly possible, you know, so I only need to do the bare necessities.
I’m one of those, “can if I need to but would rather not need to” type people.
But seriously I work a full day then have freelance gigs at night, so cut a girl some slack, hehehe.
But alas Aidan is not about cutting this girl some slack!
The kid is clearly not in on my, “don’t move till the cleaning lady’s next visit” plan.
In fact he is quite destructive. The moment you put him down it’s like watching the Tasmanian devil ransack your home.
I’ve been making him help me clean up before bed everyday, but he is pretty much at the unpack while I pack in stage – but we are getting there…
He has created some serious cleaning conundrums in the last few weeks so I thought that it would be nice to share the list of cleaning tips I got from the interweb for those pesky toddler messes.
When a little someone gets play dough in your carpet
How to get crayon masterpieces off the wall
Cleaning stuffed animals that have become gross
Washing Machine Instructions
– Vacuum stuffed animals to remove dust and dirt. –Place the stuffed animals in sealed plastic bags with 1 cup of cornstarch or baking soda in each bag. Shake each bag vigorously to coat the toys. – Remove the stuffed animals from their bags and shake them off outside. –Leave the toys outside in the sun for at least two hours. This method is particularly effective for removal of moldy odors.
Read more : http://www.ehow.com/how_7669659_clean-disinfect-stuffed-animals.html
Set in finger paint on clothes
Also if you combine nail polish remover, Windex, and hair spray, and put it on the stains it should come out.
Oh boy, and as they grown older it is just the type of mess that change – now it's Legos everywhere!
Say it isn't so…..
Nice blog, I like your post it is really very interesting, thanks for sharing such a useful post about Domestic Cleaning .