DIY Paint markers for kids

I made DIY paint markers for Aidan using empty roll-on deodorant bottles. It’s all part of trying to declutter a little. You know how we are always crafting at my house?  Well my husband says we are actually always making a mess – we are very different people the two of us…think of the movie Yours, Mine & Ours and you have Rob and I – So I thought I’d try to play a little neater with this project and create a minimal mess set for Aidan’s Craft Box.


To create my diy paint markers I needed to decant Aidan’s finger paint into something that wouldn’t spill and the paint wouldn’t get mixed into four little brown blobs, because the rinsing of brushes between colours thing has not caught on.

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Find out how to make a finger puppet from felt

einstein quote

Want to make a cute finger puppet? Well a friend of mine, Mechelle,  is a wiz with felt, she made Aidan a set of finger puppets for Christmas and he LOVES THEM – It is really so great for imagination play. I posted the picture above on instagram and received requests for a tutorial.

Lucky for me Mechelle found time in between raising three beautiful girls, working and studying to do a quick how to for us… (next I’ll ask her how she makes gummy berry juice because I can’t imagine where else she gets the energy from)

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How to encourage creativity in your toddler/preschooler

There is no doubt that Aidan has a strong creative side whether he is making up stories to tell me, making up songs to sing, painting or taking pictures, it is a big part of who he is at the moment.
Creativity is a great skill to have, it opens you up to a world of possibilities so I try to encourage this side of him…(without ignoring the other sides naturally)As I’m not a trained teacher or child psychologist the following 10 tips have not gone through clinical trial 🙂 It is just what I believe as a “creative adult” and parent to a “creative child”.

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How to make dress-up boxing gloves

So why make dress-up boxing gloves? Well, Aidan is at a “LIKE YOU” stage. He wants to do everything Rob and I do. This includes boxing.
Please be under no illusions that I’m like a boxing person now.

Rob bought me a speed bag and showed me how to use it for stress relief. He himself has a punching bag and now Aidy wants in on the action with his inflatable doll thing that comes back up when you punch it – you know the type.

To make it more realistic I decided to make him some “dress-up boxing gloves” from felt here is how:

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