Tips for choosing a guardian for your child

Have you chosen a guardian for your child/children?  What happens to them when you die?  We haven’t and that’s really not smart. It’s not like Rob and I aren’t aware of our mortality…we have lost so many loved ones in a short period of time that we are way more aware of our mortality than we would like to be…We know that there’s a chance of leaving for work and not coming home, or getting struck down by illness, we know this ,we get this, but sometimes things are a little too real and I feel like sticking my fingers in my ears and loudly humming so I don’t have to think about it.

The thing is though, if we don’t make the decision now, if we don’t put it in black on white. Our precious son becomes a ward of the state when we die, no matter how many people love him or want to take care of him, unless we step up and decide, the decision won’t be ours to make.

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Tips for taking pics of kids

I take pics of kids…Well these days I take pic of kid (Aidan) with some cameo appearances. In the past I used to take pics of kids a lot as you can see on My Photography Blog. After starting an Instagram account for Aidan I’ve been asked how I get such good pics of him – the question is usually from people who have met Aidan and know he runs a mile when he sees a camera…

So I thought I’d share my tips…

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Until debt do you part…monthly budgeting tips

Everyone can do with monthly budgeting tips? Am I right? Please tell me I’m not the only one who feels like the lyrics to Robert Palmer’s Simply Irresistible; “There’s no telling where the money went” 

You know how everyone has that friend who can stretch a buck? like how did you get two shopping bags for the money I used to get half a bag? That friend?… Well mine is Venean of In The Meantime blog.  Yes I have friends despite being a sucky friend. 

TodayVenean shares some money saving tips with us… and she really has some good ones

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The right way to make coffee and a Mastertons suprise

Can you make coffee? Apparently there is a right way to do it and I didn’t know it till last month!!!

How have I lived  32 years (shameless referral to my birthday yesterday) and not know the right way to make coffee? Because no one showed me that’s how. Yes I can make coffee with instant granules and I can use the capsule coffee maker. The coffee I’ve been messing up is the filter kind.

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Water saving ways to stay cool

Every one should be on a water saving mission at the moment…South Africa is currently experiencing a drought, following the lowest rainfall year recorded. There are water restrictions and water shutdown’s and at the same time IT IS HOT AS HECK OUT HERE!

It’s pretty tough to stay cool these days , especially for little kids, so I thought I would share some water free ways to beat the heat…

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Awesome party DIYs and the chance to party with Appletiser in New York

Given any thought to your New Year’s celebrations? I have, and so has Appletiser, it seems…they are giving 50 people the chance to each win a New Year’s Eve party, this includes one lucky person who will be jetted off to New York!!! Yes THAT New York, the one everyone from Frank Sinatra to Jay Z have sung about…


Details to their fabulous competition below, but first two DIYs that are sure to be a hit at any New Year’s Eve Party…

Allow me to show you how to make your own party popper/glitter cannon/sparkly things shooter/mess maker and yummy Appletiser based ice-lollies

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