How two broke girl quotes relate to me…

I love Two Broke Girls, even though it’s a sitcom about two single 20 something women in New York , I feel like I can relate. In fact it looks like being a mom is turning me into Max (the dark haired one) from Two Broke Girls – here is how her quotes relate to my life

You need to stop freaking out because you’re not where you thought you would be, in life or in our business. It’s real life, lower your expectations. (Max to Caroline)
       I’m learning to accept things, that picture I had before I was a mom, all of it has changed and you know what? It’s okay
You’re not my type anyway! You’re a bartender who’s close to liquor all night, and you’re not an alcoholic. So, clearly, you don’t know how to seize an opportunity. (Max to her on again off again boyfriend Johnny)
       How I feel about people who don’t invite me to things anymore – since I’m a boring mom now
My pants kept saying “take me off” and I was like “No pants” (Telling Caroline about a romantic encounter)
       Still trying to lose the baby (and cake and various other snacks) weight and some clothing items are a tight squeeze and want me to wear tights, and I’m like no tights are not pants even if they are just so comfy
I’m not a fan of hearing what people have to say (To her boss about customer comment cards)
       Comments on mom forums can get a little overly heated, overly so and I’m not a fan of people losing it like that
We’re two very different kinds of idiots, but we are idiots (Max to Caroline)
       Finding  that kindred mom, your views are different but you get each other, I have more than a few friends like that
You look so beautiful I forget how bad your personality is (said to Max)
       That moment you stare at your sleeping angel who not too long ago was a tantrum throwing hooligan, you seem to forget all that was (sort of).
This place isn’t when Harry met Sally it’s when Harry met Salmonella (Max about the diner)
       My husband and I feel like we are living with a very messy roommate who doesn’t even pay his share of the rent, sheesh
On life’s resume, under special skills it says, “Good at making things worse” (Max complaining)
       Some days just suck, sick kid, malfunctioning something or other, and then you come down with something, it doesn’t rain it pours…
I think society is way too concerned with other people’s idea of what is pretty (Max defending her choice not to go to decorating class)
       Those days when I wish going to the shop in my PJs was social acceptable, it isn’t though people, it isn’t
My interest rate in this conversation is zero (Max talking about taxes)
       Unsolicited advice gets this reaction. Well it does in my head in real life I just smile and nod.

So how’d I do on the 30 before 30 list?

On the eve of my 30th I thought I’d try out one of those 30 by 30 checklists the magazines are always going on about, I found this at and it’s been uhm enlightening…

1. Try an extreme sport
I don’t think I even know what an extreme sport is, so no, but I like body boarding (liked- in my bikini days) and the other day I went on a boat 60kms into the sea to release a elephant seal back into the wild, I was sea sick in front of a nature documentary crew, it doesn’t get more extreme (or embarrassing) than that

just kidding I don’t iron

2. Date a bad boy

Boys… I had worst taste in guys before my husband, let men use me for money, favors and even just to be the girl you introduce to your mom while you fool around in the background… I was even the other woman without knowing.

3. Open a retirement account
Yeah I have this (okay so it was set up by work and by Rob, but it exists)

4. Dye your hair a crazy color

I don’t dye my hair, I was once held down by by sister and a friend who forcefully put blonde streaks in my hair, but that’s it for me and adventure in colour. I have really big hair don’t need to dye it and look like bozo

5. Do a girls-trip. Just because
Yes!!! best memories, whoop whoop, CT for a concert, EL for a weekend long party (there were guys chaperoning this one but we were single so it still counts) Mosel Bay (chaperoned) and EL just me and two gal pals

6. Sing Karaoke
I sang on stage LOADS in my life even won the media version of a game show with my rendition of cococabana . . .  you know music and fashion were always my passion – hehehe

7. Pay off your credit cards
uhmmmmm – the mind is willing but the wallet is weak

8. Buy something totally frivolous, ridiculously expensive and utterly fabulous

I’m a sensible shopper (tell this to my credit cards) but I do go into YDE shoe sale like ……

9. Fall in love

10. Crash a party

Oh wow YES with my late friend Mso – Elle magazine fashion launch, whoop whoop 

11. TravelI got to visit Brazil for fashion week! can you say career highlight – really want to travel with my boys!

Image result for eleanor douglas-meyers brazil
I took this pic from my hotel room

12. Volunteer
Yes but not nearly enough

13. Do something you’re totally terrified of

The boat thing from number one, there was water everywhere and my swimming is NOT of the best

14. Meet a drag queen
OMW yes!!! also found out that my childhood babysitter does drag, so that’s interesting, lol

in Brazil

15. Buy yourself an amazing piece of jewelry
I don’t do well with jewelry I lose pricey pieces, but buy tons of costume stuff, TONS

16. Love your body

Working on this one…

kidding kidding

17. Learn how to change a tire

My dad made sure of this and plugs and roof tiles, lol

not this though, that’s what garages are for

18. Reconnect with an old friend/family member
I’ve been trying to make a point of this-Thanks FaceBook

19. Ask for a raise
I did this, it ended with me taking another job…

20. Take a dance class

Hip hop and belly dancing and uhm ja

21. Schedule a health check-up

I did this and am now very aware of my mortality,lol

22. Understand your taxes

I e-file, that’s enough, hehe

23. Apply for your dream job
Waiting for people to pay me to be a socialite…

24. Do something insanely romantic for someone you love.

I suck!

25. Host a dinner party for your family
does co-hosting count

26. Master an amazing dishI can I can!!! 

27. Swim in the ocean

I live nearish to the beach so hit this somewhere in the 80s

28. Go to dinner and a movie by yourself
I’ve done this, for reviews… not the best

29. Live alone
I was in a long distance marriage does that count?

30. Ask a guy out

no comment!

MARCHing into an emotional month

It’s the first week of March and my nerves are shot! 
This week marks three years since we had to sign a birth and a death certificate, with the same pen, on one day 🙁
Three years since I became a mom and then a question mark…
It’s the first Monday of March today, the first Monday of March is when I was admitted to hospital three years ago, entering with promise, exiting with anguish.
And guess what, in a strange turn of events my sister will today be admitted into hospital to give birth. I feel like I’m outside myself looking in.
All I can do is pray , pray for God to be with my sister and her son and pray that he calms the raging anxiety in my heart.
Rob’s brother and his wife are also supposed to have a baby this week… Another boy, another reason for my heart to hold on by a tattered string.
I feel confident that the boys will be okay but at the same time, it feels like my heart and mind are not on the same team, like I have the devil and an angel on my shoulder feeding me information I just can’t seem to dissect. 
I need it to be next week, even thought that means I will be 30 I need to just get through this week….

An award for little old me :)

So I got my second Liebster Award!!! I have noticed that all my favourite blogs are Liebstered out , so I’m not nominating, instead just going around liking their pages (those I haven’t already) I decided to answer Leigh from TheMommyDiaries questions though because I am just that honoured to be nominated by her – her blog is seriously awesome, and she just seems to have her ish together (blog crush Thursday,hehe) also I love these filly outy thingies

1.      What has life/motherhood taught you so far?
That I know NOTHING! Had so many preconceived notions but eish nothing seems to have been like in my mind…SEE HERE
2.      Describe to us your idea of a perfect day.
Although I like my job, and ideal day doesn’t include work, it’s walking up early to catch some silly TV while boys sleep and I don’t have to watch Mickey Mouse Club house or the History channel. Then  they wake up we have breakfast at a quaint little place, we nap (hahahaha I wish) I do craft/bake/cook with Aidan, and then watch a movie with Rob while Aidan sleeps….
3.      What is the best book you have ever read?
I can’’ answer this honestly as the book changes depending on my mood, I love funny authors though like Marian Keyes , so Rob just gets me books by her and he knows he nailed the gift giving thing
4.      Who challenges you the most and why?
My husband, he  seems to have this pretty high opinion of me, thinks I can do anything and that in itself is a challenge… I want to be the person he sees me to be.
5.      Name two things on your bucket list.
– Driving – this one is embarrassing but I don’t like to drive 🙁 I’m scared of ever hurting someone so it makes me tense, I want to drive without fear
– Go on international trip with my little family
6.      What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
I crashed an Elle Magazine party it was accidental at first but then I ended up having a blast
7.      If you could have any super power what would it be?
Teleportation , then I wouldn’t have to drive
8.      How many pairs of shoes do you own? And how many do you actually wear?
I actually don’t know, about 30 (after a mass clear out), I wear them all but about 5 are in regular rotation
9.      If you had the power change ONE thing about South Africa what would it be?
Racism, I wish people could be seen as people and that race was no longer an issue-and I mean from all sides embrace differences I say
10.What are you most proud of?
My son he is literally my pride and joy (I finally get that saying now)
11.What one material thing you simply cannot live without?
Does Data count? I’m addicted to the interwebs people!

I got a Liebster Award!!! yeah me :)

So when I got the nomination for the Liebster award this morning I kind of fan girled! It’s my first actual award (I usually get honourable mentions, hehe) Also it was Maz from Caffeine and Fairydust who nominated me and that’s awesome because she is awesome and it’s sort of like when the popular girls at school ACTUALLY KNOW YOUR NAME and it’s all, be cool, be cool and you just do a head nod but inside you are like ooooooh look at me I’m cool by association . . . they like me they really really like me HAHAHA
·         Thank and link the person who nominated you.
·         Answer the questions given by the nominator.
·         Nominate 11 other bloggers, who have less than 200 followers and link them.)
·         Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer
·         Notify all nominees via social media/blogs.
So firstly thanx Maz you made my day J
Here is my answers to your questions:
 1.      How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
25 this one is weirdly easy to answer, my mind thinks I’m 25, I think I mentally stopped aging then
2.      Do you push the elevator button more than once?  Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?
I don’t think it makes it go faster, I stand there and think, “wait did I press it? I didn’t hey” just in case *press* “wait did I press it? I didn’t hey” just in case *press
3.      Would you rather want to be able to speak any language or play any instrument?
Language, I envy people who speak many languages – I have tried, but apart from speaking English and Afrikaans and the barest of necessities in French and understanding enough Xhosa to politely reply to greetings, board a taxi, buy a loaf of bread, give dirty looks when I’m mentioned – I just can’t seem to pick up languages , ask the people who have tried to teach me, I suck
4.      Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?
Well I’m already a worried genius 😉 okay I’m worried and that makes me a simpleton so I managed to be both
5.      Sam or Dean? (Supernatural)
This one is funny because when  a friend and I first met my husband and his brother we mentioned how much they are like Sam and Dean, seriously the one even has lighter hair and is physically bigger and more serious like Dean  the other is darker, more boyish and  just like Sam – I married Dean
6.      Would you rather be a dragon or have a dragon?
Have you watched how to train your dragon? Because then uhm they are AWESOME and I could fly it and I could roast marshmallows on it’s breath and it would just rock.
7.      Always be slightly over-dressed or always be slightly under-dressed?
              over dressed because it’s much easier to take off some bling than to look natural in flops when everyone is in heels.
8.      What is your greatest fear?
Losing Aidan, losing Logan shook me to the core and I don’t want to investigate whether or not I could survive another loss
9.      What is the funniest thing you have ever heard?
I was accused of harassing people today, by people who could roll me in a ball and post me to Antarctica, THEY felt harassed, that’s funny
10.  What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?
I wish that racism wasn’t so prevalent , I want to live in a world where we can like and dislike people without racial predigest. The underlying racism is the worst for me, when people don’t even realise what they are saying,  I want comments like, pretty for a black girl, nice for a white girl, smart for a coloured girl . . . . . .  to never be spoken
11.  When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?
Sheesh I hope not, I try to leave my mark even if it’s in a small way, I want people to know that I’m there for them, I want to leave a footprint of caring and love
This was difficult because many of the people I wanted to nominate were recently nominated L
so I thought why not take the 11 people who I have featured on my blog most recently because I love their blogs, so if you get a double award, yeah for you 😉  but if you cant answer I understand 🙂
You might even have more than 200 followers but not sure how to check
Here are your questions girls 🙂
1.       What is the lamest joke you know?
2.       What is your guilty pleasure?
3.       Would you go shopping in your undies if it meant everything you buy is free?
4.       Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds?
5.       If you could only have one breakfast for the rest of your life what would it be?
6.       What are you scared of but are kind of embarrassed to tell people ?
7.       What is your favourite childhood memory?
8.       What is the very first thing you do when you wake up?
9.       What question do you dread the most?
10.   Do you have any party tricks?
11.   If you could be remembered for one thing what would you want it to be?

So who else feels like a play-play adult

In March I will be 30-years-old, and I think it might be a mistake.
Me turning 30 is slightly ridiculous, 30 is the age my mom was when I was doing a primary school assignment which asked of me to interview my parents. By then she had three kids, had left work to become a work at home mom, was making toys ,baking, had the budget down pat , all while looking amazing. She was a grown woman!
Me on the other hand, I pretty much feel like I’m playing dress up. A play adult who although she has a child and a husband and a job  (all the things grown up woman Barbie would most likely come with) I still feel like I’m not really an adult, how could I be?
I still don’t know how to do make-up, my hair still gets the best of me, I suck at doing budgets and I have NOT mastered the art of grocery shopping.
Sometimes I sit in restaurants and watch “real grownups” walk in all styled and organised.
Their kids eat actual food, their nails don’t need a manicure asap, their clothes aren’t having an identity crisis and their eyes aren’t glazed over with exhaustion.
They don’t look half as shocked when referred to as mam, or when asked about insurance choices (uhm can I ask my dad) they seem to be the real deal.
This feeling of play adultness has left me feeling like I must be doing something wrong.
I turned to some girlfriends around my age, all real deals, good  jobs, families, homes,the works, for their advice…How do I go about feeling like a “real adult”.
 The response was overwhelming, even the most styled, organised and adult looking people where feeling like I am.

Play adults just trying to make it through the day. That made me feel better, suddenly I didn’t feel so alone, so what if I’m “playing” at least I’m not alone in my game 😉
Anyone else feeling like a play-play adult