DIY Paint markers for kids

I made DIY paint markers for Aidan using empty roll-on deodorant bottles. It’s all part of trying to declutter a little. You know how we are always crafting at my house?  Well my husband says we are actually always making a mess – we are very different people the two of us…think of the movie Yours, Mine & Ours and you have Rob and I – So I thought I’d try to play a little neater with this project and create a minimal mess set for Aidan’s Craft Box.


To create my diy paint markers I needed to decant Aidan’s finger paint into something that wouldn’t spill and the paint wouldn’t get mixed into four little brown blobs, because the rinsing of brushes between colours thing has not caught on.

I thought of roll-on bottles because I have a recollection of my mom doing the same for my little sister when she was a littler sister. The bottles work like large scale ball point pens (I saw you can buy something like this at CNA and craft shops too, in case your not in DIYing). I expected Aidy to use it like a pen but he prefers to roll his finger over the ball and finger paint which works for me and gave me an idea for his craft glue.

But first things first the paint markers

What I needed:

Empty roll-on bottles

Finger paint (mine is teddy brand)



What you do:

Remove stickers off bottles


Pop out balls (This is me popping bottles, hahahahahhaa)


Wash containers. Closing the lid and shaking the bottle with a drop of dishwashing liquid does this in a jiff


Leave to dry


Fill with paint. I thinned paint with a teaspoon of water


Pop  the balls back in and paint…


Yeah US! …. This is less spillage but Id suggest still wearing  a smock because no matter how “clothing safe” these paints are, are they ever really? Are they are they?



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