#ECmeetup blogging expert Megan Kelly Botha welcomes your questions

What do you do when you hear that Megan Kelly Botha, arguably the most influential blogger in the Eastern Cape is packing her (probably fabulously  colour coordinated) bags and winging her way to South America? You nab her as a speaker at the #ECMeetup before her plane takes off, that’s what.

The parenting and beauty blogger juggles an online presence with a large following,  a booming online business (which she runs with her husband)  and two boisterous boys, but has never the less agreed to answer all our nagging questions, in fact she welcomes it.

Our research has shown that most of the attendees want to know how to make their blogs more lucrative and Megan Kelly and her intensive notes (I know her IRL – quick lil name drop – and know she takes these things super seriously) has them covered.

Megan Kelly fields questions from  bloggers daily, but for those who have been to shy to slide into her DMs. This is your chance.

Whenever I speak to bloggers, I always get asked, “what do I need to do, so that I can work with brands too?” It used to take me by surprise because I don’t really consider myself an expert and I don’t feel like there’s a fail-proof method to my madness, but I figured that this year I am going to try my best to talk new and experienced bloggers through my process of working with brands. I will be covering everything from what goes into a media kit, campaign pitch, etiquette for establishing a relationship and what I have learnt from the last 5 years of blogging. I really like answering questions, so if you have anything you have always wanted to know but were too shy to ask, write them down and save them for the day!

So there you have it, jot down those questions and we can learn together.

Megan Kelly was our first expert, five events ago, and you can find out all about her blogging career HERE

For more info on our second speaker hop over to Luchae’s blog where she chats about how Travelstart is teaming up with us and what to expect from their experts.



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