In need of a mental pause button

I haven’t blogged in a while,I mean to and then just dont do, life gets so hectic sometimes and I often forget to stop and be in the here and now (this started as a kid when I would read ahead of the other kids in class because they were taking to long and then I’d get into trouble because when it came to my turn to read out loud,I would have started reading whatever book I had snuck in and have NO CLUE where I was supposed to be)  mentally I’m always like that, I will be eating supper thinking about dessert (can’t tell you the amount of times my parents asked me to just slow down for a second… “clear your mind and relax”, my dad would say [mind you, he still does] but I can never seem to do that for very long because my mind is already on page two thinking what I can think about after not thinking [yes I’m THAT crazy, hehe]… It has become so bad that I will be in conversation with someone about [lets say] flowers, then I think, “must not forget to tell them about [lets say] cats”, and I actually lose my place in my own conversation, those close to me are getting a little too used to me asking, “what was I saying again” it even happens when I’m making mental notes and I have to stop and think “what was I thinking again” YES PEOPLE I’VE GOT ADVANCED FOMO [fear of missing out] IN MY OWN MIND!!!!
I notice that I do this with Aidan too, as much as I love watching him grow, I often wonder, “what next?” ( and I realize this is wrong-in fact this [in many ways] is what is prompting me to change things and slow down) When  Aidan first smiled I wonder when he would laugh or now that he sits up and I wonder when he will sit unsupported…But no more!!!
Life is way too short to live life like a preview reel, always interested in the coming attractions and not focusing on the movie playing right now.
I want to spend more time in the here and now, blog more, laugh more and [for goodness sake] relax more

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