Pudding for Breakfast…chia recipes

I know I’m fairly late to the Chia phenomenon, but uhm why did no one tell me about this?!

chia recipe
I’ve seen it on many a instagram feed and thought I would try it out…and DELICIOUS!!!

It’s supposed to be filled with protein and omega 3, which is good, but for me the real benefit is that it is said to help with insulin resistance which I suffer from.
I know, I know, there is always a seed or a berry that is said to help… and I’m not usually into fads, but this is so yum and actually keep hunger at bay so I say why not????Also it’s way cheaper than the other “superfoods”, like I don’t need to take out a loan for this like I often feel I should with quinoa

here is how I eat mine….

I mix my seeds (3 Tablespoons) with coconut milk (3/4 cup) in air tight container and leave overnight, it can be left in fridge for three days like this…
Over those three days I mix a third of my pudding (you can totally eat it just like that,but it is a little heavy for me) with a tub of plain yogurt and add things like cinnamon to flavour it , here are my two favourite mixes… I love the sago like consistency sooooooooooooooooo YUM

Vanilla Chia

I add half a packet of vanilla canderel to my mix, I love it (some people are anti artificial sweeteners, most of them are not insulin resistant) This vanilla canderel is the bees knees!!!


Berry Chia

I take a bunch of frozen berries, which I have in the freezer for smoothies (blue berries are my favourite) and heat it up a little to get a sort of berry compote  (how Nigella of me) and mix it  in YUM! sometimes I layer it (when I’m feeling fancy) hehe


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