Reduced waste party – can I make it a thing

I’m toying with the idea of a reduced waste party.

Aidan’s birthday is coming up and I think I can make is more suited to my little eco-warrior by just being a little extra.

The idea of a reduced waste party came up when I realized that Aidan brings his snack wrappers home from school every day to fill his ecobricks.

He decided to do ecobricks on his own steam after seeing an ad on YouTube and is serious about this helpful hobby.  My little vegetarian’s commitment to “not turning earth into a giant trash can” really speaks to my heart and  I am thinking of ways to make his birthday party reflect that

Ideas so far (this includes food, which I know is not reduced waste , but I need to include his low sugar vegetarian diet)

  • Recycled glass containers to hold snacks
  • Fabric loot bags instead of paper
  • Wrap his gifts in reusable bags or newspaper and boxes
  • A nature based party favour, seeds or a plant, or I don’t know
  • Vegetarian party snacks, if he has to deal with party snacks that upset him at other people’s parties (meat upsets him) then we should be able to find a way to make yum food that’s animal friendly for his party.
  • Low sugar treats (Due to me being diabetic I keep the house pretty low sugar)
  • Recycle bins for the trash that does accumulate , unfortunately it is inevitable as I’m new to this reduced waste life
  • Snacks from companies that focus on sustainability
  • Electronic invites and thank you cards
  • More things are likely to pop up…

Yes this is extra work and might sound like goes against the current trend of low maintenance parties, and definitely against the trend of OTT parties.

But at the end of the day it’s Aidan’s day and he gets such a kick out of doing his little bit for the environment , it’s only right that I encourage that, EVEN THOUGH, I have now given myself a whole lot of extra work…

Reduced waste party here we come… sorta regretting it already. I have a brand or two on-board to help me and will share my party progress.

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