SAFW day 1

Day 1 done and dusted (already on my way to first of day 2’s shows) and I was even too tired for after party, yes I know I'm a big giant nerd who also happens not to know where the remote for tv in room is located, flip man.
Anyway has been fun thus far, and you can follow all the fashion on twitter @justellabella
For behind the fashion here is a few pics to show what I wore and what my room at Protea fire and ice hotel looks like- I LOVE LOVE the glam effect in room decor and my own look for safw was supposed to be understated and funky, but my bra popped out at least three times, STUPID DRESS (still love u) and I don't believe that's very understated of me…. Pics: starting with view of
Lounge where fashionistas hang out between shows.

Have a great Saturday all…

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