Whip up a no sew fabric gift bag in minutes

Are you in the market for a fabric gift bag? Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday this DIY is likely to come in pretty handy. Whether you are trying to reduce your carbon foot by not using traditional wrapping paper, or you just want to extra AF then follow these easy steps.

These bags can be made in any size, small ones like the ones I did are great for party favors. Medium ones could be loot bags and long fabric gift bags s are great for wine.

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DIY a Valentine’s Day t-shirt with a difference

In need of a Valentine’s Day t-shirt?  If you have a child whose daily schedule still includes finger paints or building blocks, I am going to guess yes. Schools are big on dressing for the occasion, which is usually red and white, but I decided to be a little extra this year, I ditched the red and white and made Aidan a Valentine’s Day t-shirt with a difference

What make’s it a Valentine’s Day shirt in my opinion is the big’ol heart nose and the fact that it is both the “animal he loves” as well as the “colour he loves” – you can use this technique and tweak it to suit the wearer.

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How to set up a basic craft box


Aidan and I love to craft, I know  I’ve done such an amazing job of keeping that little fact a secret, but it’s true.

I am extremely blessed to have my own little craft space and Aidan him is pretty lucky that I don’t lock him out completely.

He knows what is completely off limits (like fabric markers and blades) and what he can use…stamps and  off cuts of paper or felt.

I have had a lot of people ask me for advice on setting up a craft box for their kid and I thought I would share our basic 6…here goes

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