So yesterday I showed you how to make a Pictionary-like board game. Today I show you how to turn that, or any other board game/board games into a great gift for a family you love
. I’m doing this for my family and Robs family this year and I can say it on here because none of them read my blog. True story hahaha my siblings and his (the intended gift receivers) are not blog readers so I can say just about anything about them haahaha…but I love them so I won’t
What you need is a board game of your choice… I got a different game for each set of siblings
Because people are different you see, lol. Also my side have tons of games while Rob’s side is still building a collection
Sweets, washi tape and zip lock bag
Popcorn, glass jars and washi tape
Marshmallows glass jars and washi tape
Crackers and either ziplock bags or glass jars and washi tape
(because washi tape pulls it all together)
And you get a great snack pack to add to your gift!!! which will make for a great games night
I’m adding an instant braai set to each gift because that’s how we roll 🙂
The instant braai means no one has to sit out a game to fiddle with a fire
Sigh, I wish I was your sibling! lol Great gift idea!