So what’s new with you? wait me first…

So what’s up chicken butt? A friend of mine used to say that a lot. Don’t ask me why. But as I sat down to chronicle what’s happening in my life at the moment, it came to mind…

Another thing that came to mind was those, last week on … things, you know like on the last episode of The life and times of Eleanor.

I love the way the narrator does it on Jane The Virgin, which is life by the way…

Lets recap…Eleanor has found that her twin sister has secretly stolen her identity (shame  more power to her she should  deal with the debtors while she is at it) and has just jetted off to squander her fortune (how much squandering would it take to get rid of  a bunch of gently used notebooks and a drawer of different glues).

Any way what is really happening;

  1. I am organising this massive event, which is so cool! A family fair which you can read up about HERE. I alluded to it HERE but can finally talk about it because the cat is out of the bag. It is very exciting and if you are in the area PLEASE CHECK IT OUT! We want to create a family day with something for everyone and I’m very pleased to say that it looks like will be doing just that. I am so overwhelmed by the support everyone is showing already GO TEAM! Think food trucks, stalls, activities…It is basically all the things I’m passionate about. Family, small business and cooperation. I am pretty much feeling like a bride, all; freaked out excitement also I cant fit into my dress.


  1. This diabetes thing is a thing. I am working with my Dr and my dietician to get my sugar levels to stop jumping around like it has been and so far so good. I actually lost 2kgs in a week and a half, not that that’s the aim but it’s a much better side effect than the gas side effect you get from sugar free sweets.


  1. Aidan is not attending school at the moment. I was a little nervous to share this because #momjudgement but then I realised that the people who read my blog are “my kind of people” and “my kind of people” aren’t big mom shamers. So I took Aidan out of school due to his anxiety. He was freaking out about going to school and when at school he would not participate in anything. Everything would freak him out from not being able to colour in as well as the other kids to “what if I can’t wipe my bum properly by myself” and “what if they serve meat at lunch”. In general he is pretty hard on himself, he is the only four year old I know who would turn down a reward sticker because he didn’t feel he deserved it, because he could have done better. So I took him out of school, he is doing play therapy to deal with the anxiety and my mom is “home schooling” him for the rest of the year. The plan is to help him deal with the anxiety and then reintroduce school next year.  As a person who suffered from anxiety from a very young age I can relate to him and seeing the difference in him already has made me feel very confident about my decision.


  1. On the work front I will be doing the four days in an office thing soon which gives me room to do all the freelance writing I signed up for with the wrong impression that there is 34 hours in a day. But hey we keep on #hustling. I am doing an advertising supplement for the paper which is a load of stories about import/export and then I also signed up with a US company to write about Real Estate and I have this ongoing job for a UK company, Chota Peg and Lime,  there are some crunch time things happening that side which means I am writing more now than when I was a full time reporter, no jokes. That is why I am so thankful for the blog here I can still share unsubstantiated facts, hehe. Also, I’m getting featured in an amazing mag soon, so watch this space.

Okay so that is me at the moment.  I’m exhausted, I’m broke, I feel the flu coming on but  also I am really, really blessed (and the curls are popping)


8 thoughts on “So what’s new with you? wait me first…

  1. Victoire says:

    Pop those curls girl!
    Your family fair sounds awesome! It must be tons of work to organise but tons of fun too.
    Sorry about the diabetes! I almost got gestational diabetes with my pregnancies but managed to avoid it with a controlled diet. It’s good to hear that you are getting the sugar under control.
    I am a homeschooling mom – no judging here It’s wonderful to hear that you are following your child’s lead & needs.

  2. ChevsLife says:

    Sounds like your little Aiden knows himself well enough to know what just doesn’t work for him. Good on you for following his lead and being a great mommy. Good luck with the 4 day a week and your event. Diabetes, my dad had it and when he found out my mom and I immediately cut down on our sugar intake to encourage him. You’ve got this!

  3. Melissa Javan says:

    I agree with Chev – Aiden knows himself. My child is also at home with her dad but because of finances. I also feel so weird saying it.Thanks for the update, good luck with everything girl. You got this.

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