Aidan’s guest crafting post…

Anyone who has ever come across my blog will know that I LOVE to make things…it’s my thing 🙂
But usually my making things has to have two important factors:
1. It has to be quick,easy and relatively mess free (I do not have time, people) and
2. It has to be functional (Not using my limited time to make something I can’t use)


Aidan has shown a lot of interest in the arty crafty side of things and wants to make and cut and paint, I now find myself having to make things just for the sake of making things, and making a mess while we are at it (This is NOT how I operate) he wants to paint and crumble the painting into the bin (could have so used that as wrapping paper, child) he wants to create and discard of his masterpieces (yes he is not two yet what do I expect)

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My son VS The Eng language

At 22 months Aidan’s vocab is picking up nicely, I don’t know whats “normal” for his age, he might be needing to recite sonnets by now, but I’m happy with “Sing, stars sky high,mama” (Twinkle little star)  We had a fun little convo yesterday.

I had just changed him and he was sitting of changing table, I wanted to pick him up when…
HIM: No go away
ME: Then what are you to do?
HIM: Get down
ME: How
HIM: I Jump

ME: You wish
He seems to be picking up proper pronunciation now so I thought I’d share some of the words he is still abusing , cause it’s funny

Not to be confused with …

A little Aidan catch up before his second birthday

I have a little chatterbox a chatterbox a chatterbox

I’m so amazed at how he is picking up words – to think I was nervous of his speech being delayed
Yesterday he pointed out a dinosaur in a children’s book, he said “tinosaw” actually, but I was still pretty impressed as his only experience with prehistoric animals has been the Barney parties he has attended, and here he points out a lifelike dinosaur without hesitation.
He tells everyone who will listen that he is getting a cousin. He also says the cousin’s name will be “bumbum” and cracks up laughing at his own joke (nevermind that,hehe)
He knows colours, well he knows ”boo, geen, puplel, yeyo and yed” – sometimes they are interchangeable but hey it’s a step in the right direction
He can count 1 2 3 9 10 that still counts as counting right?
He LOVES taking pictures and will turn anything into a camera “say cheeeesh”
He is odd in the way that his pronunciation of bigger words like “cousin, scissors, bandage, camera”  is perfect but he struggles with “cut, open, eat”

He is quite big for his boots this kid:
 I tell him “come let’s eat” he replies “come let’s don’t”’
I try to give him meat (he is still a vegetarian) and he tells me, “no mama, go away, just go away”
He threatens me with my mom’s house, like if I tell him to do something he tells me “I go ma house” 
But all the sass aside, we have finally found something that works (for now….KNOCK ON WOOD, SALT OVER SHOULDER,NO JINX) Naughty chair
If he misbehaves I let us both take time outs I put him on a couch in the lounge and tell him that he has to sit there till he is ready to apologise or clean up or stop being a Tasmanian devil of naughtiness
He sits there and cries, sometimes throws my pillows down, sometimes lays down exasperated like a character in a Jane Austen book — but every time he will get up apologise, give me a hug and ask for a bottle or a book or a tv program and be good…and now I can actually just ask if he wants the naughty chair and he wags his finger and says “No mama, don’t just don’t” to which I reply “then you don’t” cause I’m mature like that…

He will be two in April where has time gone?!?!?!

Grabbing those cuddles while I can

Mr independence
Many books/experts say that letting your child fall asleep in your arms breeds bad habits and spoils them.I get where they come from and understand the need for self soothing.
 Besides, with time constraints it’s not always possible to “co-sleep” and falling asleep on a toddler bed with a foot in my ear and teddies staring at me is certainly not my first option. 
But yes I spoil my son and often lay next to him till he falls asleep. We read,pray,he dozes off and then I quietly slip out of his room,pack lunches and go to bed.
I don’t mind spoiling him this way because he will not be little for ever and if I stick to my plan of one and done I won’t get this chance again and even if I have another child splitting time between three beds will be quite a task (I’m no SA president) so for now when he asks me to “dudu here mama” I do and I’m pretty sure part of it is spoiling me not him….
At not even two he is fiercely independent this kid.
Just yesterday I dropped him at daycare and had him squirming and crying,  I thought it was because he wanted to come with me and not stay there, but in actual fact he wanted me to put him down (not carry him in front of his friends) once I put him down he strolled in, got a hug from a class mate and started playing blocks, not looking back once… (my heart broke a little)
I shouldn’t be surprised though he brings juice or water from the fridge when he wants a drink in a glass, milk for his bottle and even gets himself snacks (provita,a fruit,a yogurt that sort of thing) 
He chooses what toys to take on visits and packs his favourites away at night.
Aidan sets up for his own bath grabbing towel,pjs and even placing the large plastic bath I still use to bath him (save water) into the bigger bath.
He tells me to “clean bum bum now please” when he is dirty, does hugs and kisses on his own terms and the cutest yet most sad; I caught him kissing his own “booboo”…

So I for one will take what I can get even if it involves a children’s bed and 5 bed time story repeats…they grow up so fast and one day looking back these will be moments I remember – to those who think I’m spoiling him, don’t worry I intend to stop by University :p 

Motherhood it good for my self-esteem

Kids, I find, are great for your self-esteem…my one especially


He thinks I’m an awesome writer:

I wrote him a story and now he insists I tell it to him every night… Then I get,”nice mama, again” 🙂

He thinks I sing really well:

“Mama we sing”… he has even told other people to shhhh so mama can sing

He thinks I make a great cup of tea:

num num tea  â€¦. tanku

He thinks I’m a fantastic crafter:

WOW, mama pwetty

He thinks I can heal hurt with a hug and a kiss:

Kissy “einana” mama

He thinks I’m a Superhero:

He can do anything as long as I’m holding his hand or he can at least see me

He thinks I’m a snazzy dresser:

says nice or pwetty if he like’s what I’m wearing

He doesn’t mind my scars:

lifts my top so he can snuggle on my tummy when watching tv

– He showers me with butterfly kisses and hugs me when I’m sad and always (well nearly always, lets just say often)  appologises for being naughty, with a snuggly hug..


This kid thinks I’m awesome and when I am with him, I do kinda feel pretty awesome